SRH University

Good to know

Your studies at our/your SRH University are about to start or you are already studying with us and have questions about the programme or the course of your studies?

We have compiled some answers to important questions for you below.

You have any questions? We have the answers.

The Student Service can be reached at any time via [email protected]. Please give us some time to process your request: Our target processing time for requests is 48 hours.

You can find an overview of our services including the corresponding e-mail addresses on eCampus and here.

Approximately 2 weeks before the start of your studies, you will receive an overview of all the important information that you need to know before you start your studies on eCampus and here.

Our pre-arrival seminars always take place on the first Friday in February & March (April intake/summer semester) and August & September (October intake/winter semester) at 1 pm (CEST/CET). You will receive more information about these sessions by e-mail.

You will receive the log-in data to your private e-mail address approx. 4 weeks before the start of your studies. You can use the login if all the requirements for your enrolment have been met, i.e:

  1. You have organised your health insurance.
  2. You have paid your fees according to your study contract.
  3. If you come from a non-European country: you have submitted a confirmation of your visa/visa date.

You will receive your enrolment certificate with your log-in data for our portals approx. 4 weeks before the start of your studies. You can download it yourself from Campusnet once you have met all the admission criteria.

According to the German Social Security Act, every student at a state or state-recognised university must provide proof of sufficient health insurance cover for the entire study period. Without sufficient proof, the student may be admitted to the programme, but he/she will not be enrolled at a German university. Think carefully about the type of insurance you choose. Please finde the pros and cons of each type of insurance here.

  1. You opt for German statutory health insurance:Notify your health insurance company of your enrolment at SRH University (H0001444). Your health insurance company will send us an ESMV, i.e. the digital confirmation of your health insurance.
  2. Have you opted for private health insurance or do you have European health insurance (EHIC)?Please send a request for exemption from the statutory health insurance obligation to a German statutory health insurance company of your choice. The health insurance company needs the following details from you: 
    > Surname, first name 
    > Date of birth 
    > Address 
    > Email address 
    > Copy of ID/passport 
    > Copy of letter of admission 
    > University name (SRH University, H0001444) 
    > Copy of your private insurance/EHIC cardThe health insurance company will send us an ESMV, i.e. the digital confirmation of your private or European health insurance.It is possible that your private/international insurance is not sufficient. You will be informed of this and must adjust your health insurance accordingly.
  3. Who do you have to submit the proof to and by when?You do not have to submit proof! A German statutory health insurance company must confirm to us with a digital notification (the ESMV) that you have sufficient health insurance.This digital notification must be submitted by the first day of your studies (1 April/1 October) at the latest!For a selection of statutory and private insurances, please have a look on eCampus or at our Information sheet on health insurance.

It depends on the SRH Campus where you are studying. 

There is currently a “Deutschlandsemesterticket” (Germany semester ticket) available at some SRH locations. You can find all information on this on eCampus.

What is the Deutschlandticket (Germany ticket)?

  1. Ticket for public transport throughout Germany
  2. Valid on all 2nd class public transport
  3. This is a digital ticket

You need a photo ID in conjunction with your student ID to use your ticket. This may change from summer semester 2025 - we will keep you up to date.

Please contact your Study Advisor, who can advise you on your personal situation.

You can find more important information about BAföG on eCampus or here.

Please contact Fee Management via [email protected].

You can find your timetable on Campusnet under 'My studies'.

You can find tips and tricks for finding accommodation on eCampus and here.

Please contact the Student Service via [email protected]. They will be happy to issue you with a new ID card for a fee.

You can find the academic calendar on eCampus and here.

You are obliged to keep your data up to date. You can do this yourself on Campusnet via 'My profile'. If other data changes, please contact Student Service directly via [email protected].

Your contact

Feel free to contact us