SRH University

State Programs

Realize your studies!

You have completed vocational training, have several years of professional experience and now want to further qualify yourself for the next career step with a degree.

Financing options

Financing options

Here we explain ways you can help finance your studies at our university.

StateDescriptionContact address
BayernEducation vouchers are used to support employees who wish to undertake individual professional development in the area of digitization.Education checks website 
BrandenburgEducation voucher = further vocational training measures for employees in companies with an operating site in BrandenburgInvestment Bank State of Brandenburg 
BremenContinuing education voucher = continuing vocational training and qualifications leading to a vocational qualification

Senatorin für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Europa

Abteilung Arbeit / Referat 22

Hutfilterstr. 1-5

28195 Bremen

[email protected] 

HamburgContinuing education bonus 2020 = for continuing professional education and qualifications

Zwei P Plan Personal

Wendenstraße 493

20537 Hamburg

[email protected] 

Tel. 0 40/21 11 25 30 

Mecklenburg-VorpommernEducation vouchers = the participation of employees in continuing vocational training measuresGSA - Gesellschaft für Struktur- und Arbeitsmarktentwicklung mbH 
Nordrhein-WestfalenEducation voucher = further training closely related to the applicant's profession is available, as well as specialist and interdisciplinary qualifications, for example to develop social and methodological skills.Authorized consulting center 
Rheinland-PfalzQualiScheck = continuing vocational training that imparts technical, methodological or social skills for the occupation currently practiced

State Office for Social Affairs, Youth and Supply in Mainz - at the latest two months before the start of the further training course.


[email protected] 

SaarlandThe Saarland promotes the further training of employees of small and medium-sized enterprises by subsidizing the costs of further training and qualification measures

Register with the responsible KdW service center à Apply for aid


[email protected] 

SachsenThe individual continuing education voucher is aimed at employees, trainees, retrainees and vocational students over the age of 18 and other groups of people who want to (re)enter the workforce.Sächsische Aufbaubank – Förderbank 
Schleswig-HolsteinContinuing education bonus = funding for continuing education, but not for full-time studies

Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein 


[email protected] 

ThüringenContinuing education check = Continuing education that imparts knowledge, skills or abilities for the job

Gesellschaft für Arbeits- und Wirtschaftsförderung des Freistaats Thüringen


[email protected]