SRH University

Studying according to the CORE principle

Learning with head and heart!

Frau in gelb läuft über schwarz-weiß gestrichene Straße

You are at the centre of our attention

We provide you with personalised and continuous support to help you achieve your goals. Based on our proven CORE principle, we have harmonised all learning objectives, forms of examination as well as teaching and learning methods for you so that learning is fun and you achieve the best possible learning success.

CORE Emblem SRH Hochschule Heidelberg

Here you will learn step-by-step

We believe that sustainable learning is only possible if there is enough room for experimentation, play and critical questions. That's why we have completely redesigned the traditional study programme.

  • You study in 5-week blocks and work on practical tasks in small teams
    Instead of losing track in the jungle of subjects, you focus your full concentration on a maximum of two subjects in parallel within a 5-week block.
  • You then take an exam on the subject matter of the previous weeks
    Thanks to the time structure, concentrated exam phases are a thing of the past. From the wealth of possible examination types (from written exams to learning diaries), you can prove yourself in the one that best suits the competences relevant to the subject.
  • You will receive continuous performance feedback throughout your degree programme
    We will support you throughout your studies. Professionally, personally and organisationally. A qualified mentor will be at your side from the start of your studies. We also offer you individual coaching and expert advice from our Career Service.
  • You will receive all-round support from your lecturers
    There is no such thing as pure front-of-class teaching at SRH. Instead, our lecturers become individual learning coaches for you. Together, you will not only develop specialised knowledge and methods, but also hone your personal and social skills.
Our principles
Raum der Lehre mit Studierenden
Our principles

We give you space to develop

Learning at eye level

We actively accompany you in your learning process and support you as learning coaches wherever you need us. We rely on direct communication.

No fear of making mistakes

With us, trial and error is allowed. Even encouraged. Because we believe in experience-based learning. It's not always about right or wrong, but above all about trying things out and getting to know yourself. With us, you don't learn for the professor or the examination office, but first and foremost for your own projects and your entire (professional) life.

Learning for life

After graduating, you don't have to complete countless internships. Practical teamwork on real projects with partners from the field will prepare you optimally for the professional world. At the same time, you will train social skills such as critical thinking, thinking outside the box and creative problem solving. In other words, exactly the skills that companies expect from their employees today.

In addition, you not only have a certificate in your hand, but also project references that you can include in your application. AND: You know where your personal strengths lie.

Constructive Alignment
Constructive Alignment

Customised examinations

We work according to the SRH Constructive Alignment.

We ask ourselves:

  1. What skills do our graduates need on the job?
  2. In which form of examination can our students best demonstrate these skills?
  3. How should teaching be organised so that students are well prepared for this examination?

We therefore not only use traditional forms of examination such as written exams or presentations. There are a total of around thirty different types of examination to choose from.

For example

  • Portfolio
  • Presentation
  • Project work
  • Case work
  • Scientific poster
  • Report
  • ... and many others.
Knowledge and application

Start your professional life with the skills you need

We focus on ensuring that our courses are competence-oriented. This means you will be able to apply your practical knowledge as soon as you start your first job, and that will make you more attractive in the labour market.

You can apply and reproduce the knowledge you have acquired, recognise relationships, understand important theories, and handle technical language.

You can work as part of a team, focusing on goals and results.

You can apply efficient strategies and techniques, adapted to each situation.

You manage yourself and develop your professional actions responsibly and reflectively.

Experience our learning room settings in 3D

Experience our learning spaces in 3D

Active learning methods and competence-oriented exam methods require special learning spaces. Our ‘Arena‘, for example, is ideal for roleplaying exercises. Our students develop new ideas in the ‘Design Thinking Room‘. And the ‘Learning Café‘ is used for classes that require switching between input and group work phases. Take a look at our 360° videos to find out more about the possible uses of our flexible learning spaces.