Bjoern Krass-Koenitz is a trained journalist, media educator, producer, speaker and speech coach.
2009: Founding of the media services company BLN.FM, which he managed until 2019
2010-2023: Trainer for voice training in voice over training at Thaler & Rehor.
Freelance author for Deutschlandradio, Funkhaus Europa (now Cosmo), radioeins and other broadcasters.
2019: Founding of the production company Folivox together with the author Victor Redman. He works there as a producer, director and narrator.
As a producer, he won the German Digital Award and the Online Communication Award 2021, among others.
2013-2018: Lecturer for journalism, marketing and voice training at the School of Audio Engineering in Berlin, Hamburg and Cologne.
2015-2020: Lecturer for CrossMedia and Voice Training at the Business and Information Technology School (now University of Europe for Applied Sciences).
Since 2014: Teaches Journalism, Marketing and Speech Training at SRH.
2022: Lecturerfor Rhetoric at the Cologne Business School.
November 2020: Lecturer in Music Journalism for Broadcasting and Multimedia at the University of Music in Karlsruhe. Supervision of students in journalistic reporting on the university's own social media channels.
Since 2023: Head of the SRH Innovation Lab, advising students on topics relating to business creation, start-ups and funding. Responsible for the "IdeArea" module (formerly "Lab module").
Other activities:
Rhetoric trainer
Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Berlin Music Commission
Liaison teacher
Networker in the creative industry
Wrestling speaker for the largest wrestling league in Germany.