SRH University
Research Associate

Hendrik Unger

Organisational course management in the Bachelor's degree course in Social Work

About me

About me

Hendrik Unger has been a research assistant in the Department of Health and Social Work at the SRH University of Health Gera Campus since 2021. His tasks include working in the Department of Social Work and supporting the university management with regard to digitisation tasks, especially in the context of teaching.

After his Abitur and subsequent federal voluntary service, he began studying Social Work (B.A.) at the SRH University of Applied Sciences for Health at the Gera Campus. After graduating with a Bachelor's degree, he began working at the same university.

As part of his studies, he worked in various areas of child and youth welfare, including independent child and youth work, (project) work with volunteers, as well as in taking children into care. In addition, Hendrik Unger has been involved in voluntary work since 2015, especially in the context of children's and youth recreation measures.

In addition to his duties at the SRH University of Applied Sciences, he is studying "Research and Development in Social Pedagogy/Social Work" (M.A.) at the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen.


I have contributed to these publications

  • Zergiebel U., Ramminger S., Traurig F., Heinze V., Unger H., Meusel S. und Portius D. (2022). Gesünder Lebt sich Leichter; GeLLe Studie - Innovatives interdisziplinäres Programm zur gesundheitlichen Förderung sozial benachteiligter Personen in Deutschland. Thieme, Aktuelle Ernährungsmedizin, 47(03): 227 – 228.  
  • Meusel, S. & Unger, H. (2022). Möglichkeiten der Gestaltpädagogik zur Unterstützung der Studierenden bei der Systematisierung von Wissensbeständen Sozialer Arbeit. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziale Arbeit (DGSA). Vortrag. Geteiltes Wissen – Wissensentwicklung in Disziplin und Profession Sozialer Arbeit. Wiesbaden. 
  • Meusel, S. & Unger, H. (2021). Pandemiebedingte Veränderung digitaler Zugänge Sozialer Arbeit. In Lutz, R., Steinhaußen. J., & Kniffki, J. (Hrsg.). Covid-19 Zumutungen an die Soziale Arbeit. Praxisfelder, Herausforderungen, Perspektiven (S. 131 – 142). Beltz Juventa. 
  • Meusel, S. & Unger, H. (2021). Die Corona-Pandemie wie sie unser Zusammenleben und das Zusammenarbeiten im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen verändert. Zeitschrift für Sozialmanagement, 19(2), 33-43.