SRH University

Prof. Dr. Philipp Stang

Professor for Psychology I, School of Psychology

About me

About me

s a psychologist (M.Sc.), specialist psychologist for clinical psychology (BDP) and licensed psychological psychotherapist and child and adolescent psychotherapist, with an entry in the medical register and health insurance license, I bring practical experience from clinical practice in addition to my experience in training, further education and continuing education as well as an accredited supervisor and self-awareness trainer. I also studied education, German philology, oral communication, German as a foreign language and oral communication (Mag.) and speech training/speech science (univ. and M.A.) at the University of Regensburg as well as social work (Vordiplom) at the University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt am Main.

As a scholarship holder of the German Academic Exchange Service and Bayhost, I was a teaching assistant at the German-Kazakh University and the Kazakh National Shurgenov Academy of Arts (Almaty/Central Asia) as well as the Technical University of Zvolen (Slovakia/Eastern Europe).
I have a doctorate in (clinical) psychology and have also been involved in further empirical studies and publications in the fields of sexual research and sexuology as well as clinical psychology, differential and personality psychology.

My skills and competencies also include the following qualifications: Sex therapist (DGfS), sexual counseling (DGfS), sexual assistance/accompaniment (Profamilia), social physician (PTK), work as an expert witness (appraiser) for courts, including applications under the Transsexuals Act (TSG), prevention manager - sexual assault against children & adolescents (IPBm), group psychotherapy, EMDR, hypnotherapy/hypnosis, Jakobsonian relaxation therapy and trauma therapy.

German Society for Psychology e.V. (DGPs), German Psychotherapists' Association, Bavarian Chamber of Psychotherapists, Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians in Bavaria, German Society for Speech Science and Speech Training (DGSS), German Society for Sexual Research (DGfS), German Society for Systemic Therapy, Counseling and Family Therapy (DGSF), German Society for Social Medicine and Prevention (DGSMP), Society for Sexual Pedagogy (gsp), Society for Sexual Science (GSW), German STI Society - Society for the Promotion of Sexual Health (DSTIG).

Current third-party funding
Fürth District Foundation, 2024
Magnus Hirschfeld Federal Foundation, 2024
Fürth University Association, 2023
Manfred Roth Foundation, 2023
Peter Oberender Foundation, 2023
Alfred Golombek Foundation, 2022-23

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