SRH University
Research assistant in the Bachelor's degree in speech therapy; International Office

Julia König

Research assistant in the Bachelor's degree programme in speech therapy; International Office

About me

About me

Since 2014, Julia König has been a research assistant at the SRH University of Health in the speech therapy programme at the Heidelberg campus.

Julia König graduated with a degree in patholinguistics from the University of Potsdam in 2007. During her studies, she undertook a research stay at Macquarie University in Sydney.

Following her studies, she worked as an academic speech therapist at the Ernst von Bergmann Clinic in Potsdam until 2009. At the same time, she accompanied the office of the academic assistant in the academic international office in the Welcome Centre area.

She then worked as a research assistant at the International Office of the University of Mannheim in the Welcome Centre department between 2009 and 2010.

Between 2009 and 2013, Julia König taught as an honorary lecturer at the Medical Academy Mannheim. From 2010 to 2014, she also worked as an academic speech therapist at St. Marienkrankenhaus Lampertheim.


I have contributed to these publications

  • König, J. (2014) Rezension der Monographie von Rita Zellerhoff: Vielfalt der sprachlichen Bildung - Handlungsorientierte und erfahrungsoffene Wege zur Sprachkultur. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Edition. Sprache - Stimme - Gehör (online) 
  • König, J. (2015). BSc Patholinguistik - Und dann? Masterstudiengang Gesundes Altern und Gerontologie, M, Sc. PathoLink, 26 (2), 30