SRH University

Prof. Dr. Michael Hartmann

Academic Director TEAC | Head of B.Eng. Applied Mechatronic Systems & B.Sc. Computer Science - Healthcare Management, Professor

About me

Academic background

Prof Hartmann studied and completed his doctorate in physics at the Humboldt University of Berlin. In 2002, he was appointed professor at the SRH University of Applied Sciences Berlin, where he has been Vice President for Teaching since 2010. He has worked on international research projects at the University of Rochester (USA) and the Universities of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv (Israel), among others. In his research projects in DFG Collaborative Research Centres and Priority Programmes at TU Chemnitz, Forschungszentrum Jülich and Humboldt-Universität Berlin, among others, he investigated the optical and electronic properties of new materials for inorganic and organic photovoltaics. His application-oriented research work in recent years has focussed on management concepts and knowledge management for sustainable energy supply based on renewable energies. In this context, he has developed training programmes on renewable energies together with international partners and sixth form centres in Berlin.

Prof Hartmann is a member of the German and European Physical Society. As a liaison lecturer for the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, he is the contact person and mentor for scholarship holders at the SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences.


Erneuerbare Energien für die Infrastrukturentwicklung ländlicher Regionen in Mosambik. 
M. Hartmann, S. Peuker, J. Njinkeu, Erneuerbare Energien für die Infrastrukturentwicklung ländlicher Regionen in Mosambik. Konferenzbericht „Armutsbekämpfung und Infrastruktur-entwicklung in Mosambik“ der inwent gGmbh und des Deutsch- Mosambikanischen Forums (2006)

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