Psychology program director, B. Sc, professor of health psychology, School of Psychology
E-Mail: | thomas.fankhä[email protected] |
Phone: | +49365-773-407-41 |
Psychology program director, B. Sc, professor of health psychology, School of Psychology
E-Mail: | thomas.fankhä[email protected] |
Phone: | +49365-773-407-41 |
Since 2013, Prof. Dr. Thomas Fankhänel has been Professor of Health Psychology at the SRH University of Health Gera Campus.
After completing vocational training and studying design at the Burg Giebichenstein College of Art in Halle/Saale, Prof. Dr. Thomas Fankhänel studied psychology and philosophy at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg from 1998-2004.
He then completed his doctorate at the Chair of Social Psychology at Friedrich Schiller University on the topic of intergroup behavior. After teaching in the field of adult qualification at the University of Halle - for the further education of high school teachers in psychology - Prof. Dr. Thomas Fankhänel started working as a research associate at the Institute of General Medicine at the University of Jena in 2009. Since then, he has conducted several research projects on the general practitioner care of patients with, among other things, addictive disorders. He also supervises doctoral theses in human medicine and has been a member of the working group on legal addictive substances of the Landestelle Sucht in Saxony-Anhalt since 2012. In the context of numerous teaching assignments, Prof. Dr. Thomas Fankhänel has also continuously offered courses on design-theoretical and epistemological issues. In 2011, he received the substitute professorship in system design at the Kunsthochschule Kassel. From 2011 to 2013, Prof. Dr. Thomas Fankhänel was employed at the psychiatric clinic of the Sophien- und Hufeland Klinikum Weimar.
He has led psychoeducation groups and conducted counseling sessions at the Sophienklinik Bad Sulza on a part-time basis. Prof. Dr. Thomas Fankhänel began his training as a psychological psychotherapist in depth psychology at the Institute for Psychotherapy Erfurt in 2011.
E-Mail: [email protected]
Research Interests: