SRH University

Prof. Gilbert Beronneau

Head of B.A. Film und Motion Design, B.A. Kommunikationsdesign, M.A. Social Design and Sustainable Innovation und M.A. Film, Television and Digital Narratives, Professor of Audiovisual Communication, Academic Senate

About me

2009 - Present

Professor for Audiovisual Communication, Berlin School of Design and Communication, SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences

2008 - Present

Commercial and image films, web spots and texts as director, author and producer for commercial enterprises and non-profit organisations


Feature film "Lunik" (script, direction, production)


Feature film "The Seagull" after Anton Chekhov (script, direction, production)


Foundation of the production company Spirit Film production


New York University, Tisch School of the Arts, Postgraduate Programme Film Production


M.A. Business Administration, Vienna University of Economics and Business


Since 2015: media:net berlinbrandenburg e.V

Research Foci

  • Social Design and Sustainable Innovation
  • Foreignness and Migration
  • Art and Cultural Analysis
  • Transition Design
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