23 results for „2023“. Do you want to filter the results?
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The musical contact enables communication that can bridge all language barriers. Duration: 30.09.2023-30.09.2025 Language: German and English Funding organisation: Ferry Porsche Foundation Funding volume:
DAAD Award
and/or in the social environment. The prize is endowed with 1,000 €. Students can apply until 27.11.2023; details are below. Previous award winners are Chono C. Chibesakunda , B.A. Creative Industries Management [...] decision is made by circular procedure. When is the deadline? Applications are accepted until 27.11.2023 at midnight Berlin time. Any applications which arrive later than that cannot be considered anymore
can be optimised overall and a subsequent demonstration project can be prepared. Duration: 01.10.2023-31.01.2025 Language: German Funding organisation: Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport Affairs
Digital exchange projects
mobility is financially supported—for students and teachers. BIPs at the SRH Berlin In the spring of 2023, SRH Berlin organised a Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) together with the Technical University Ostrava
Erasmus Mundus
2022-2028, of which 450.000 € is allocated to SRH Berlin. The first intake will be in the Winter semester 2023/24. The Study Programme CyberMACS is a two-year joint European full-time master program (120 ECTS) [...] Methodius University) conducted structured interviews with 74 shortlisted candidates in February and March 2023 and selected the final 32 candidates. The response to CyberMACS call for applications was impressive: [...] Master programme like CyberMACS . The first cohort, who will be starting the programme in September 2023, consists of 32 students, of which 12 women and 20 men. The nationality ratio required by the European
International Office
events Celebrating Diwali at SRH Kayak tour with the International Culture Club International Week 2023 previous slide next slide By playing this video, the provider may store personal data such as your