SRH University

Optimisation of risk and crisis communication of governments, authorities and health security organisations (MIRKKOMM) – sub-project: Analysing journalistic and prosumer risk and crisis communication

Brief description

The risk and crisis communication of governments, authorities and organisations, journalism and social media players will be analysed using the example of the coronavirus pandemic. Insights will be gained into how communication is prepared multimodally and how it works in the complex interaction of different actors and media in a crisis situation. Recommendations and further training will be developed so that all those involved in crisis situations can communicate with each other and prepare content in a more effective and optimised way in the future.

Duration: 01.10.2021 until 31.10.2024

Language: German

Funding organisation: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Funding volume: 313,068.00 €

Prof Dr Michael Beuthner

Project management