SRH University

Effects of local translaryngeal vibration therapy in the treatment of muscle tension dysphonia (LTLV)

Brief description

Voice therapy has a positive impact on hyperfunctional voice disorders associated with muscle tension dysphonia (MTD). Early research has demonstrated beneficial effects of local translaryngeal vibration therapy (LTLV) on voice physiology and clinical outcomes. The project pursues the following aims: (1a) determine the clinical efficacy of LTLV as a concurrent treatment using flow phonation therapy in patients with MTD, (1b) determine the optimal LTLV frequency for clinical outcomes in patients with MTD, and (2) determine the optimal number of treatment sessions.

Duration: 01.09.2024 - 31.08.2027

Language: English

Funding organisation: National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Funding volume: 549,000.00 €

Prof Dr Ben Barsties v. Latoszek

Project management