Main programme International Business Administration Digitalisation, globalisation, social change – today’s companies are facing many challenges. Strengthen your international profile: study International Business Administration and develop innovative solutions and sustainable management concepts. Bachelor full-time EN multiple locations
Applied Data Science and Analytics As a data scientist, you are in a key position when it comes to dealing with large and unstructured data sets and extracting knowledge from them. Find out more about our Applied Data Science and Analytics Master's programme here. Master full-time EN multiple locations
Applied Computer Science How can computer science find applications in business and research? Enhance your knowledge with our Master's in Applied Computer Science and embark on a career with the employer of your choice or pursue a doctorate. Master full-time EN multiple locations
Audio Design Producing electronic music, designing sounds, underscoring films and sound engineering - is that exactly your world? On the Bachelor's degree course in Audio Design (B.A.), you will learn how to shape the world with sounds, noise and music. Bachelor full-time EN Berlin , Munich
International Business Administration Automotive Technology and Management Gain in-demand technology and management skills for the automotive industry during your studies. Become a sought-after specialist in technology, logistics and sales. Bachelor full-time EN Leipzig , Munich
Computer Science When it comes to optimising digital services, IT experts are always in high demand. Are you passionate about IT systems, mobile apps and AI? Are you interested in software development? Then the B.Sc. Computer Science is the right choice for you. Bachelor full-time EN multiple locations
Creative Industries Management Study Creative Industries Management and learn to support, market and manage success in the creative industries. The B.A. programme prepares you to start your own business or to work for companies that look for innovative approaches to management. Bachelor full-time EN Berlin , Munich
International Business and Leadership Would you like to help shape the future of companies worldwide? The English-taught Master’s programme in International Business and Leadership (M.A.) at SRH University, with campuses in Heidelberg, Dresden, and Hamburg, prepares you optimally for leadership roles in international companies. Master full-time EN multiple locations
Music Production Are you passionate about song production from the initial idea to the performance or finished production? Our Bachelor's degree in Music Production is ideal for musical all-rounders who want to direct the creative and technical design of songs. Bachelor full-time EN Berlin , Munich