Get the highest academic degree in management education. With the part-time Doctor of Business Administration (DBA), you get to apply your leadership skills to a real business case and take your company to the next level.
All Facts at a Glance
Your part-time DBA degree
The DBA is a part-time degree programme designed for managers and executives who want to earn a professional doctoral degree and develop both their research skills and their career prospects.
As the programme structure is tailored to active professionals, you can apply your findings directly to the needs of your organisation, driving progress without sacrificing your studies or your work.
The DBA is a partnership with LJMU, Liverpool John Moores University, UK, which also awards the DBA degree. The workshops take place in both Liverpool and Berlin.
The rest of the time, you will be mentored virtually and apply your insights to your company or an organisation of your choice. Thanks to the part-time approach, we offer you the opportunity to achieve the highest academic qualification while working full-time. The programme has been running very successfully at LJMU for ten years and will be available soon to SRH University students.

Why it’s worth getting a DBA
Upon completion of the Doctorate in Business Administration, you'll have a specialised repertoire of problem-solving and decision-making strategies that will take you to the next level of your career and will help your organisation save money and implement new innovative strategies through your research.
By working closely with other senior professionals, you'll also expand your network with valuable contacts around the world.
Companies benefit from the support of DBA candidates by developing and retaining talent and using knowledge as a competitive advantage.
The advantages of the Doctorate of Business Administration at a glance:
A DBA...
- enables you to acquire a part-time doctorate
- enhances your professional and academic qualification
- strengthens the competitiveness and financial security of one's own company
- provides a solid foundation for further professional development or an important career step
- offers a large international network of managers and senior professionals

What students say about the DBA programme

Frequently asked questions
- What is a DBA?
A Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) is the highest academic management degree.
- Is the DBA equivalent to a PhD in Germany and am I allowed to use the title "Dr." in Germany?
Yes, the DBA is recognised as an equivalent degree programme. A DBA differs from other doctoral degrees as it focuses on the application of research in a real business environment, which is also a prerequisite for successful completion.
Under the current regulations, the abbreviated form "Dr." may be used (without a subject-related addition and without a designation of origin).
- How is the DBA programme structured?
The DBA programme is unique in its design and structure as well as the intensive supervision of students. It lasts approximately four years, with a maximum duration of seven years.
In the first three years, a total of four 5-day workshops are held in Liverpool and Berlin. Here, the research process is planned and the topics and methods to be implemented in the company are specified. In addition, students learn more about data collection and analysis, academic writing and take part in the colloquium.
After the third year, there are no more workshops and students focus on completing their dissertation and prepare for the exam. Typically, students receive their DBA degree within four years.

Apply your skills in real life
Today, soft and social skills are crucial in addition to hard skills and expertise. That's why SRH University's innovative, successful, and award-winning CORE principle promotes independent and active learning so that you can apply your knowledge directly to projects and your future career—for a clear competitive advantage.