Information about external lecturers

Vincent Albers
External lecturer for Trends and Future Technologies
E-mail: [email protected]
- M.A. Strategic Design

Prof Carlos Albrecht
External lecturer for music production
E-Mail: [email protected]
- B.A. Music Production
- B.Mus. Popular Music
About me
Born in Berlin in 1943, grew up in Argentina. 1964-1968 studied mechanical engineering at Stuttgart Technical University, 1969-1972 studied visual and sound engineering at the Robert Schumann Conservatory/Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences, graduated as a graduate visual and sound engineer (FH). From 1972 employed as sound engineer, Bauer Studios Ludwigsburg. From 1986 freelance sound engineer, employee of SDR, SWR and WDR. From 1992 lecturer for music broadcasting (U) at the Erich Thienhaus Institute (ETI) of the Detmold University of Music, from 1996 professor for music broadcasting, ETI HfM Detmold, from 1998-2008 head of the ETI Institute. From 2009-2019 President of the Association of German Tonmeister.
Main areas of work:
Over a thousand record and CD productions in over 60 studios worldwide, various live broadcasts and television programmes.
"Der Tonmeister", miking acoustic instruments in pop music - live and studio setups, Verlag Schiele & Schön Berlin.
In addition to numerous honours, two Grammy nominations (2005 and 2007 with Bob Brookmeyer), two Echo Klassik awards (2001 with Fred Frith and 2009 with Uri Caine).

Mila Albrecht
External lecturer
E-mail: [email protected]

Joost Alleblas
External Lecturer for Scientific Writing & Media Ethics
E-mail: [email protected]
- M.A. Strategic Design
- B.A. Advertising & Brand Design
- B.A. Marketing Communication
About me
Joost Alleblas studied at Erasmus University Rotterdam, the University of Amsterdam and ESSEC-Paris. He holds a Master's degree in Philosophy and Economics. He is currently pursuing a PhD in philosophy of technology, investigating how new technologies in the smart city influence existing notions of citizenship. Joost has published on Virtual Reality and Nature (2016), Surveillance and Singapore (2017) and presented a Foucauldian analysis of sensor societies (2017). He teaches design ethics in Dessau (Anhalt University of Applied Sciences) and at the design akademie Berlin.
His focus is on ethics in design and the impact of new technologies on society and the individual. He is interested in exploring how philosophy can help designers reflect on the side effects of their innovations and improve their analyses of the future and their place in it. Reflection in practice and the development of (moral) tools to imagine the future are two of his interests in design, alongside understanding how designers see themselves as moral actors. In Berlin, Joost teaches marketing and media ethics, design methodology and research design. He has been working at the Design Akademie since 2015.
Joost Alleblas teaches in the master's programmes Strategic Design and Marketing Communication at the design akademie berlin.

Simon Anke
External lecturer
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.Mus. Popular Music
- B.A. Music Production

Ulli Bartel
External lecturer for violin
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.Mus. Popular Music
- B.A. Music Production

Lisa Bassenge
External lecturer
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.Mus. Popular Music
- B.A. Music Production

Andrea Bauer
External Lecturer for Sustainable Business Design & Future Tech
E-Mail: [email protected]
- M.A. Strategic Design
About me
Andrea Bauer is a strategist, innovation consultant and author. She has been working on the realisation of technological innovation projects for more than 15 years and is involved in the project from strategy development and idea generation to market launch.
She founded the management consultancy BEAM Studio in 2008 with the aim of developing new business areas and services with emerging digital technologies for companies. This has resulted in a large number of projects on digital strategies, new services and business models for telecommunications companies, financial institutions and international premium car manufacturers.
As an author, she wrote the book "The Crypto Economy" in 2017 and the book "Trusting in Mobile Payment" in 2013. As a speaker, moderator, co-creator and mentor, she is part of various creative and technology collectives such as D.DAY Network, katapult:NOW, POC21, re:publica, startupbootcamp and OuiShare. She received her academic training as an economist and digital expert at the Berlin University of Applied Sciences, the Berlin University of the Arts and the University of St. Gallen.
Andrea Bauer has been active as a lecturer since 2017 and gives lectures on 'Sustainable Business Design', 'Future Tech', 'Understanding Blockchain', or 'Speculative Futures' at the design akademie berlin, XU Exponential University Potsdam and the Zurich University of the Arts.

Prof Dr Eva Beneke
External lecturer for pedagogy
E-Mail: [email protected]
- B.Mus. Popular Music
- B.A. Music Production

Designer & M.A. Stefan Berg
External lecturer
E-mail: [email protected]
- M.A. Strategic Design

Nils Iver Bergmann
External Lecturer for Media Marketing
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +49 151 52855953
- B.A. Marketing Communication
About me
Giving lots of practical insights into the content marketing disciplines is close to my heart. In doing so, I draw a bow to the constantly changing requirements and sharpen the view for the framework conditions and interrelationships. In this way, I would like to give students some tools for their professional future. My professional career is perhaps a good way of documenting the constant change in our industry: Internship at the daily newspaper, traineeship at TV, TV reporter, news anchor, head of department simultaneously for print and online, CvD supplement, Teamlead Content Marketing, Scrum Master, Agile Coach...a total of around 35 years of professional experience (and yes, I started writing for the daily newspaper when I was 13). See you around? I'm looking forward to it!

Sebastian Bertram
External lecturer for piano and ensemble
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.Mus. Popular Music
- B.A. Music Production

Michael Biedowicz
External lecturer for image editing, photo editing, publishing, portfolio
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +49 175 5675806
- B.A. Photography
- M.A. Photography
About me
Photographer, photo editor (DIE ZEIT, ZEITmagazin 1997 -2020), curator and gallery owner (pavlov's dog Berlin since 2011), director and filmmaker, chairman of the German Society for Photography, lecturer.

Lilith Boettcher
External lecturer for Future Studies
E-mail: [email protected]
- M.A. Strategic Design

Moritz Borchardt
External lecturer for graphic design
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +49 157 36007322
- B.A. Photography

Daniel Borck
External lecturer for project-orientated design
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.A. Communication Design | dual
About me
Daniel Borck trained as a designer at the FH Augsburg. One year of this was spent at the ISIA in Urbino, Italy. After completing his master's degree at the Jan von Eyck Academy in Maastricht, he worked as an art director for Neville Brody, Research Studios London. Since 2014, he has been Brody Associate, Creative Director and Managing Director of the Berlin branch. He designs and realises scalable, cross-media visual systems for clients in the lifestyle, media, culture, energy and automotive sectors. He has been a lecturer for project-orientated design in the main study programme since 2003. He supervises challenging, practice-orientated projects ranging from packaging to city marketing and awareness campaigns to exhibition design.

Martin Böttger
External lecturer for 3D animation and audiovisual performances
Email: [email protected]
About me
Martin Böttger lives and works as a freelance artist in Berlin, founded Studio.TS in 2009 and is represented by ODP.Galerie Leipzig.
He studied visual communication in the field of new media at the Kunsthochschule Kassel from 2004 to 2009. There he graduated as a master student and worked 2010 - 2014 as an artistic-scientific assistant in the field of new media with subsequent doctorate.
2015 he received a teaching assignment at the Media Design University MD.H Berlin.
2015 - until today he teaches 3D Animation and Audiovisual Performances at the SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences (SOPA).
His work has been shown at numerous exhibitions and festivals such as: Positions Art Fair Berlin, Maus Contemporary Birmingham Alabama USA, ODP.Galerie Leipzig, Museum of the Moving Image NYC, Residency Schauspiel Leipzig, Cluster Festival Winnipeg CA, OneDotZero UK, Resonate Belgrade SRB, Ars Electronica AUT and Jewish Museum Berlin.

Hannes Brix
External lecturer
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.A. Management of the Creative Industries - Event and Music Management

Frank Alva Buecheler
External Lecturer for Aesthetics & Art Market
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +49 160 550 1985
About me
Artist, curator, entrepreneur, humanist - specialist and generalist for performing and visual arts, art markets, aesthetics and truth practices, migration and international understanding.

Martin de Crignis
External Lecturer for Photography
E-Mail: [email protected]
- B.A. Photography
- M.A. Photography
About me
Martin de Crignis is a photographer and communication scientist. He researches the topics of gay semiotics, gay aesthetics and the male body both photographically and scientifically. He examines media representations, taking into account social, aesthetic and historical circumstances and processes. He teaches discourses of photography and exhibition design at the Berlin School of Design and Communication

Tilmann Dehnhard
External lecturer for flute and film music
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.Mus. Popular Music
- B.A. Music Production

Andreas Deyle
External lecturer
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.A. Audio Design
About me
Lives in Berlin. Works where exciting tasks await. Never grew up. Already had to unscrew everything electronic as a child. Many electric shocks and a sound education later multimedia producer, sound designer and video editor - with a lot of professional experience and an unbroken passion for the best sound and brilliant listening experiences.

Edda Dietrich
External Lecturer for Intercultural Communication
E-mail: [email protected]
- M.A. Strategic Design
About me
Edda Dietrich, Consultant for Communication and Organisational Development Degree in Communication Science (M.A.), English and Psychology, numerous extensive training courses in systemic organisational consulting, business coaching and project methodology, lecturer in intercultural communication and organisational culture at the design akademie berlin.
In my many years as a communications manager in a global consumer goods company, I developed integrated concepts and strategies for all facets of corporate communications, especially in change processes. As a consultant, I bring this practical knowledge to my clients and use my implementation expertise to help them realise projects in the areas of change management and cultural development. My work is not only centred on clean strategies, processes and effective communication, but rather on a clear understanding of the conditions, experiences and attitudes that influence these factors. In my opinion, people and context are the linchpin of successful consulting. As a Berliner by choice, I enjoy life in the big city and the inspiring art and culture scene, because every recipient wants to be convinced, taken seriously and understood as a complex social being. Painting and drawing help me to find my place in the famous "flow" of the city.

Petia Dimitrova
External lecturer for Introduction to Design Thinking
E-mail: [email protected]
- M.A. Strategic Design
- B.A. Communication Design | dual

Klaus Dörries
External Lecturer for Film and Television
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +49 1628991417
- B.A. Film and Television
About me
2020 - Currently
Lecturer for Film and Television / Berlin School of Popular Arts; specialisation: editing, montage and post-production
2001 - 2020
Lecturer at the DEKRA University of Applied Sciences Berlin; subject areas: Editing practice, film dramaturgy, film history; head of the student TV programme "Straightforward" with regular broadcasts on TVB and Alex TV
2004 - 2005
Vocational school teacher for media designers and video editors at the Oberstufenzentrum / KIM, Berlin
1990 - Currently
working as an editor for directors and television productions, including: 3Sat/Kulturzeit; DW; Sat 1/Blitz; RBB /Kontraste as well as documentaries RBB, ARTE, WDR and ZDF
1985 - 1996
Teaching assignments at the UdK; employee at the Film Institute under the direction of Jutta Brückner and Wolfgang Ramsbott
1979 - 1985
Studies at the UdK; master student of Prof. W. Ramsbott
KONTAKTE'17; documentation of the Biennale for electroacoustic music and sound art at the Akademie der Künste, Berlin
HOLOCAUST MAHNMAL; visualisation of the design for the competition to design the memorial to the murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin by sculptor Fritz Koenig
The Godfather of Chemnitz; MDR, editorial office: Mitmenschen
News from true history - A visit to Carl Amery; NDR, editorial office: Philosophy and Education
How do you film a president? In collaboration with Anke Schäfer; Honourable Mention at the Golden Gate Awards in San Francisco 1992.
MEMENTO- EISENSKULPTUREN VON FRITZ KOENIG; broadcast on BR3; Gran Premio at the Festival Sull'arte 1991 in Asolo/Italy; Grand Prix de la qualité de l'image at the XIVe Festival International du film d'art of UNESCO, Paris 1992.
KINDER DER KONFETTIMASCHINE In co-operation with Rainer Grams; ZDF, Editor: Das kleine Fernsehspiel

Sascha Janko Dragićević
External lecturer for composition, arrangement and orchestration
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.Mus. Popular Music
- B.A. Music Production
- B.A. Audio Design
About me
Born 1969 in Bonn. Composer in the field of contemporary music.
Studied composition with York Höller and Krzysztof Meyer, electronic composition with Hans Ulrich Humpert, piano with Klaus Oldemeyer and improvisation with Paulo Álvares at the Cologne University of Music. Masterclasses in composition with Helmut Lachenmann, Karlheinz Stockhausen, György Ligeti, Mauricio Kagel, Klaus Huber and Georg Katzer.
International performances and collaborations with leading ensembles and performers. Including Collegium Novum Zurich, Ensemble Modern, International Ensemble Modern Academy, Ensemble Adapter, Soundspaces, Ensemble Cairn, Minguet Quartet, Ensemble e-mex.
Represented at numerous festivals such as IRCAM Manifeste, Wien Modern, International Beethovenfest Bonn. 2016-18 Portrait series with Collegium Novum Zurich with conductors Peter Rundel and Jonathan Stockhammer.
Performs as a pianist, primarily with his own works, as well as in improvised music and jazz. Sound director and live electronic musician.
Since 2021 artistic director of the ensemble Berlin PianoPercussion.
Teaching activities
Teaching at colleges, universities and music schools. Seminars and workshops at the UDK, Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler, Hochschule für Musik Frankfurt a.M., Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf, Hochschule für Musik Saar, among others.
Composer in Residence and composition teacher at the European Music Workshop Altomünster. Composition teacher at various education projects, e.g. "QuerKlang" in cooperation with the UDK and the MaerzMusik festival.
Lecturer at the summer academy courses of the Kreissparkasse Köln Foundation for the Highly Gifted.

Prof. Dr. Knut Emig
External Lecturer
E-Mail: [email protected]
About me
Organisation of the symposium ‘Karl Jaspers. Philosophy and Psychopathology’ at the RSSU (Moscow); co-operation with the International Karl Jaspers Foundation (Basel) and the Psychiatric Clinic of the University of Heidelberg
Habilitation and award of the venia legendi for philosophy by the Faculty of Humanities and Sports Sciences at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
1999 - 2005
Member of the interdisciplinary working group ‘Psychopathology, Art and Literature’ at the Psychiatric Clinic of the University of Heidelberg
1989 - 2000
Editor of the Heidelberg Yearbooks with Prof Dr Helmuth Kiesel (publication organ of the Heidelberg University Society)
1989 - 2005
Lecturer in Philosophy at the Philosophical Seminar of Heidelberg University (until 1995) and at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - KIT (until 2005)
1988 - 2005
Lecturer at the SRH Heidelberg
Doctorate (Dr. phil.) at the Faculty of Philosophy and History of the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg
1982 - 1988
Research assistant for the publication of the Collected Works in 11 volumes by Prof. Dr Drs. h.c. mult. Hans-Georg Gadamer, published by P. Siebeck (Tübingen)
1981 – 1982
Research assistant at the chair of Prof. Dr Reiner Wiehl, Department of Philosophy at the University of Heidelberg
1st state examination in Protestant theology (= minor subject)
Additional examination in education
1st state examination in Philosophy and German Studies
1974 - 1980
Studied Philosophy and German as a teacher at the Ruhr University Bochum and at the Ruprecht-Karl University Heidelberg
Heidelberg University of Applied Sciences
Start of retirement
SS 2017
Head of the publication project ‘Herausforderung Management’ in honour of the outgoing Chairman of the SRH Foundation Prof. Dr Klaus Hekking
SS 2016
Head of the ‘Refugee Project’ at the SRH HS Heidelberg
SS 2015
Representation of SRH University Heidelberg at the symposium ‘Intellectual Properties’ at the partner university Wuhan (China)
Development of the Studium Generale
WS 2011/12
Cooperation agreement and trip to JUNSEI University (Japan)
SS 2011
Management of the nationwide debating competition at SRH HS HD (preliminary round to semi-finals)
Foundation and management of the Heidelberger Hochschulverlag
Research officer at the SRH HS Heidelberg
WS 2007
Lecture series on business ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR) at SRH University Heidelberg
SS 2007
Lecture series on business ethics with PD Dr Matthias Maring on ‘Corruption/Corruption Prevention’ at KIT
Seit 2007
Professor at Heidelberg University of Applied Sciences
Workshop at the University of Rostov/Don on ‘University Teaching and Bologna Process’
Seit 2005
Lecturer for ethics and business ethics at the SRH University of Applied Sciences Heidelberg in Bachelor and Master programmes

Dirk Peter Erchinger
External lecturer for percussion
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.Mus. Popular Music
- B.A. Music Production

Simone Fasse
External lecturer
E-mail: [email protected]
- M.A. Media Communication and Media Production

Bronwyn Frey
External Lecturer for Data Driven/Quantitative Research, Synthesis and Data Analysis
E-mail: [email protected]
- M.A. Strategic Design

Virginie Gailing
External Lecturer for Strategic Design Research & System Thinking
E-mail: [email protected]
- M.A. Strategic Design

Magdalena Ganter
External lecturer for performance training and performance practice
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.Mus. Popular Music
- B.A. Music Production

Martin Gnadt
External lecturer
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.A. Communication Design | dual

Alberto Gobber
External lecturer for graphic design and "Printed Matter"
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +49 176 43446164
- B.A. Photography
- M.A. Photography

Lars Goerke
External lecturer for live television & moderation
E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: +49 171 3389024
About me
Lars Goerke works in television as a freelance director, author and picture mixer.
He discovered his passion for television, especially live TV, while studying directing. He gained his first experience as an assistant director and technical assistant during his studies.
He then started his career as a picture mixer and broadcast pilot at Deutsche Welle and Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg. At the same time, he wrote scripts for the successful radio programme "Walulis".
Today, he is responsible for a wide variety of live productions as a director and picture mixer and broadcasts a wide range of formats almost daily, from news, talk and magazines to concerts and shows.
As an author, he works for a weekly satire format for RBB and writes longer moderations and satirical explanatory pieces.
Since 2018, Lars Goerke has been a lecturer for live television (studio technology, directing & image mixing) and moderation (copywriting, camera acting & satire).

Franziska Goes
External lecturer for basics of design with focus on colour, form, composition as well as abstract painting, contemporary graphic design and nude drawing
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.A. Communication Design
- B.A. Communication Design | dual
About me
Franziska Goes studied painting and drawing at the Berlin University of the Arts and has been working as a freelance artist specialising in abstract painting ever since.
Her work has been exhibited at Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Kommunale Galerie, General Public, Berlin, Kunstverein Schwäbisch Hall, Gallery Thomassen, Gothenburg, Columbus Art Foundation, Ravensburg and Galerie Sabine Knust, Munich, among others. In 2013 she was nominated for the Berlin Art Prize. Her works are in public and private collections.
From 2015 - 2018 Franziska taught at the Bauhaus University Weimar (Summer School), since 2017 she teaches at the Berlin School of Design and Communication.
Her teaching focus is on the modules Fundamentals of Design with a focus on colour, form, composition as well as abstract painting, contemporary graphic design and nude drawing.

Stefan Grave
External lecturer for marketing
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.A. Marketing Communication
About me
Stefan Grave is an internationally active management consultant with a focus and expertise in the field of strategic planning and marketing work, e.g. in the event and trade fair business. He has a large and interdisciplinary network in the marketing industry.
As a business graduate and trained book printer, his career has taken him through various positions up to Vice President at Messe Berlin GmbH. There, for example, he was responsible for the ILA Berlin Air Show - one of the most important international aerospace exhibitions - for over 15 years.
After more than 25 years in this company, he then decided to pass on his knowledge and experience as a seminar leader, trainer, consultant and university lecturer in various subject areas to different target groups and to inspire people for the exciting world of business.
In addition to marketing and market research, his portfolio of topics also includes PR work, organisational theory, project management, event management, online marketing, business ethics, CSR, agile leadership, team building and leadership.

Florian Grolig
External lecturer for animation
E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: +49 176 63200508
- B.A. Illustration
About me
Florian Grolig is an independent director and producer of short films and computer games and a member of the European Film Academy. His work has been shown at festivals all over the world and has been honoured with numerous awards.

Katrina Günther
External lecturer for Future Scenario Modelling
E-mail: [email protected]
- M.A. Strategic Design
About me
Katrina Günther is co-founder of the Futures Probes platform, founder of Thinking Visual and strategic designer and futurologist at Ellery Studio. In the intersection of these activities, she creates knowledge transfer between different parties through creative formats and visual thinking, thereby opening up new spaces for negotiation.
Her projects have been funded by the Ernst Reuter Society, Wikimedia and Fonds Darstellende Künste, among others. Her master's thesis "Visual thinking in futurology" is published by LIT-Verlag. Her clients include the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, the German Red Cross, the Akademie fūr Raumentwicklung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft and the u-institut.
Katrina Günther studied futurology at the Free University of Berlin (M.A.) and communication design at the University of Applied Sciences in Munich and the Joanneum University of Applied Sciences in Graz (B.A.). She also studied Design Thinking at the School of Design Thinking and worked as a designer and project manager at the HPI Academy at the Hasso Plattner Institute.
Since 2018 she has been teaching Future Studies and Visual Thinking in the Master's programme Strategic Design at the Berlin School of Design and Communication (BSDC), SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences. |

Prof Jasper Halfmann
External lecturer for Art and Design Exhibition Exploration
E-mail: [email protected]
- M.A. Strategic Design
- B.A. Photography
About me
Studied architecture at the Technical University of Berlin. Studied Fine Arts and Visual Communication at the Berlin University of the Arts.
Professor at the Berlin University of the Arts in the Visual Communication programme / Institute for Transmedia Design.
Coordinator for International Relations at the UdK and the European Erasmus/Socrates Programme. Emeritus professor.
Spatial works, projects and exhibitions in architectural
and artistic fields :
P.S.1 / MOMA annual scholarship New York.
Realised artistic installation : Project MANHATTAN TRANSFER. International exhibition project " SYNCHRONICITY " simultaneously in : Berlin, New York, Los Angeles, London, Paris, Tokyo. Communication projects for DLR (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft-
und Raumfahrt), Panasonic, DB (Deutsche Bahn), Siemens AG and Total AG. Teaching and lecturing at European and international
art and design academies.
The focus of his work and teaching is the intermedia development, presentation and realisation of conceptual ideas in the context
of responsible communicative and cultural contexts.
Jasper Halfmann has been teaching at the design akademie berlin / SRH since 2010. The focus of his teaching is design ethics / design history,
culture and trends and the seminar IMAGE / ART / IDEAS .
Until 2019, most of the teaching took place in the form of
excursions to exhibitions and events in museums, galleries
and other exhibition venues.
Since 2020, teaching has taken place in the form of virtual excursions until further notice.

Georgina Guillen-Hanson

Matthias Hass
External lecturer for songwriting
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.Mus. Popular Music
- B.A. Music Production

Nicolas Haumann
External lecturer for Artist Development
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.Mus. Popular Music
- B.A. Music Production

Lotte Hauss

Prof Dr Conrad Heberling
External lecturer
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +49 172 9536890
About me
For almost a decade, until 2005, Prof. Dr Conrad Heberling was Director of Marketing and Corporate Communications at the Munich-based broadcaster RTLzwei, as well as Managing Director of the marketing subsidiary El Cartel Media. This period was characterised by innovative and controversial productions, such as the first season of the real-life format "Big Brother" in 2000. The German launch of music formats such as "Popstars" ("No Angels") and "The Dome" and Japanese animé series were characteristic.
This was followed by the position of GF of the Dori Media Group in Zurich. Today, Heberling advises Dori Media on format developments, e.g. "Sommerhaus der Stars" on RTL. Heberling founded the broadcaster AUSTRIA 9 TV with BURDA in 2007. Heberling was then CEO of the financial and business channel DAF Deutsches Anleger Fernsehen until 2015.
In 2012, he was appointed Professor of Marketing and Market Research at the Babelsberg Film University. Heberling also teaches media and platform economics, social media management and digital business models.
Heberling is also a board member at the Academy for New Media in Kulmbach and was honoured with the Johann-Georg-August-Wirth Media Prize 2017 for special services to the education and training of young journalists.
For thirteen years, Heberling was Director of Corporate Communications, Marketing, Investor Relations and Company Spokesman at AMS AG, a leader in microelectronics.
Conrad Heberling was born in Canada, studied communication science (University of Vienna and Southern Illinois University), is a multiple jury member (e.g. Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards) and has been honoured internationally (e.g. Rose d'Or).

Andreas Henze
External lecturer for Alexander Technique
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.Mus. Popular Music
- B.A. Music Production

Robert Hoare
External lecturer for songwriting and English in music media
Office hours Appointments on request
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +49 178 455 14 88
- B.A. Audio Design
- B.A. Music Production
- B.Mus. Popular Music

Andrea Höddinghaus
External lecturer for marketing and sales
E-mail: [email protected]
- MBA Business Coaching and New Work Organisational Development | part-time
About me
I have been self-employed for over 10 years and am the managing partner of Agora Projectmanagment GmbH, a management consultancy based in Hamburg. My focus is on organisational consulting and project support, systemic coaching, personnel recruitment and development. People and their systems are at the centre of my work. Always in connection with creativity, efficiency, talent and potential.
As a manager in the private sector, I previously worked for various companies specialising in marketing, visual retailing/merchandising and sales. As a certified senior coach (DCV.e.V.) and personality profiler (Linc), I have been supporting managers, teams and private individuals in change and development processes since 2013. I always think outside the box, which led to my first enquiries from the education sector.
I offer executive and team coaching, as well as workshops on leadership and management, communication, skills shortages, change management and team development. With a great deal of empathy and understanding for creativity and growth, my aim is to "empower" and support companies, organisations, managers and executives as well as applicants of different ages in their day-to-day work. My heart beats for coaching, for marketing & sales!

Franka Hönerbach
External lecturer
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.A. Management of the Creative Industries - PR Management and Journalism

Nikolas Hoppe
External lecturer
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.A. Creative Writing & Copywriting
About me
Nikolas Hoppe is a freelance author living in Berlin. He studied Creative Writing & Cultural Journalism in the Bachelor's programme and Literary Writing in the Master's programme at the University of Hildesheim. He was co-editor of BELLA triste - Zeitschrift für junge Literatur and managing director of PROSANOVA - Festival für junge Literatur. He was invited to the 14th Klagenfurt Literature Course for his prose and was a participant in the writers' workshop at the Literary Colloquium Berlin in 2014. He received the Bremen Authors' Scholarship in 2009, the Working Scholarship of the State of Lower Saxony in 2013 and the Working Scholarship of the Berlin Senate in 2016. He is currently working on his debut novel.

Kristina Jahn
External Lecturer for Sustainability Theory
E-mail: [email protected]
- M.A. Strategic Design
About me
Kristina Jahn is a management consultant and policy advisor specialising in business strategy, sustainability and innovation. She helps decision-makers in business and politics to develop sustainable concepts for the future. She previously worked as a manager and authorised signatory at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). She co-founded the PwC Sustainable Business Solutions team and worked as a strategic advisor to the CEO of PricewaterhouseCoopers Eurofirms. She contributed to PwC's thought leadership and media relations activities at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos.
Kristina Jahn later worked as a policy advisor to the spokesperson and deputy parliamentary group leader for economic cooperation, development, environment, nature conservation and nuclear safety in the German Bundestag. She is a member of the selection committee of the German National Academic Foundation and a long-standing member of the supervisory board of UNIQUE WORKS AG - one of the leading international consultancies for forestry and sustainable land use.
She is the author of various publications and management handbooks and is regularly invited to present her work at national and international conferences. She holds a Master's degree in Business Administration from the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce et de Management, Poitiers, France and a Master's degree in European Studies from the University of Osnabrück, Germany. Her academic achievements have been recognised by the German National Academic Foundation and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
Kristina Jahn teaches Sustainability Theory and Sustainable Business Innovation at the Berlin School of Design and Communication and is an external lecturer for Sustainability Theory

Kerstin Jentzsch

Monika Junker, PhD
External lecturer for photography
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.A. Photography
About me
Nica's artistic focus is on photography and the moving image. Since graduating as a film director in 2005 from the Film University Potsdam-Babelsberg and as a photographer in 2008 from Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design London, she has worked as an artist with institutions such as the Goethe Institute Shanghai, Tokyo, Jakarta, Paris, Lyon and Marseille, the Institute Français Cambodia and the German Embassy Tokyo and Reykjavik. As a visual artist, her work has been published internationally by "photo nouvelles" France, "papersky" Japan, "dazed and confused" and "photoworks UK". She also completed her doctoral studies in artistic research at the University of Art and Design Linz in Austria.

Sarah Kaiser
External lecturer for singing and choir
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.A. Music Production
- B.Mus. Popular Music
About me
2019 - Current
Lecturer for pop singing and choir at SOPA
2008 - Current
Lecturer for pop singing and pop choir conducting at the C-Seminar of the Church Music Academy (University of the Arts, Berlin)
2000 - current
Choir director of various gospel choirs and choir projects in Berlin
Workshops and seminars on singing, presentation, gospel, improvisation, e.g. at the Bundesakademie für musikalische Jugendbildung Trossingen, at the Evangelische Popakademie Witten, at various gospel church days, at the Christian Artists Seminar Holland, the Summer Arts Session Switzerland, on behalf of the German embassies in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and Bucharest, Romania, etc.
2000 - 2010
Part of the jazz vocal quartet Berlin Voices (with Marc Secara, Esther Kaiser, Kristofer Benn)
1997 - Currently
freelance singing teacher
1997 - Currently
active as a singer, since 2002 with her own band. Until 2020 release of 6 solo albums. Concerts at home and abroad (Europe, Azerbaijan, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Kenya), since 1999 also active as a studio singer in many pop and jazz productions.

Klaus Kammermeier
External lecturer
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +49 30 55608892
- B.A. Creative Industries Management
About me
Klaus inspires innovators to unleash their talent. He creates engaging learning experiences to foster transferable skills and make a lasting impact. Klaus helps start-ups to work on the right things at the right time, enabling growth and transformation. He invented NanoLabs® to strengthen the culture of experimentation and discovery, and NanoHacks® to create aha moments that positively change people's lives. Klaus coaches teams to overcome dysfunction and perform at their best. He supports and trains organisations in building high-performance networks and passes on his experience from over 20 years in business as a speaker and lecturer. Klaus is the founder and managing director of Cyoneer GmbH and InnovationLabs.Berlin. He studied industrial engineering at the University of Applied Sciences in Munich, completed executive programmes at the Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College, and at Columbia University Business School, New York City. He held technical and commercial leadership positions at a highly recognised global innovation company for which he led more than 250 technology innovation initiatives and programmes. He lived in the UK and the US for over 10 years and now resides in Berlin, Germany.

Wolf Kampmann
External lecturer for music history
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.Mus. Popular Music
- B.A. Music Production

Prof Dr John A. Kantara
External lecturer
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.A. Management of the Creative Industries - PR Management and Journalism

Harshini Karunaratna

Arnold Kasar
External lecturer for Mastering
E-Mail: [email protected]
- B.A. Audio Design
About me
Arnold Keser works under the pseudonym Arnold Kasar as a sound engineer and musician in Berlin. Kasar has been working as a sound engineer in the field of mastering since 2001. He works for various renowned mastering studios such as Calyx Mastering, Emil Berliner Studios and Eastside Mastering. Kasar has made a name for himself as a vinyl mastering specialist, handling jobs for a worldwide clientele. Musically, he has been working for many years on the borderline between new music (mainly solo piano music) and electronic sound art. Arnold Kasar releases his solo music on the labels "Deutsche Grammophon" and "edel/Neue Meister", among others. In recent years, Arnold Kasar has given concerts at the Elbphilharmonie (Hamburg), Volksbühne Berlin, Alte Oper (Frankfurt), Nationaltheater (Mannheim) and others.

Paul Kleber
External lecturer for bass and ensemble
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.Mus. Popular Music
- B.A. Music Production

Dr Thomas Klein
External lecturer for film and television
Office hours: by appointment
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.A. Film and Television
About me
Klein, Thomas PD Dr habil. (born 1967), received his doctorate in film studies from Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz in 2004 and habilitated in media studies at the Institute for Media and Communication at the University of Hamburg in 2014. From 2010 to 2013, he headed the research project "Western global" at the Institute for Ethnology and African Studies at the University of Mainz (Publication published by Bertz+Fischer). From April 2018 to November 2019, he was a visiting professor at the Institute for Media and Communication at the University of Hamburg. He is currently focussing on future narratives in theory and practice.
He has been a certified Green Consultant for Film & TV since 2022. He also works as a freelance university lecturer, film critic (e.g. for Filmdienst), speaker, lecturer and author for education for sustainable development, media literacy and film education (e.g. for Vision Kino) as well as in sustainability communication. He is co-spokesperson for the media partner network in the BMBF's National Action Plan on Education for Sustainable Development. As part of this work, he has realised several projects on future narratives in a leading role in recent years (see Website of the PN Media).

Matthias Knoche

Arne Körner
External lecturer for film and sound
E-Mail: [email protected]
- B.A. Film & Motion Design
- M.A. Film, Television and Digital Narratives
About me
Arne Körner is a filmmaker from Hamburg. After training as an image and sound technician, he went on to study film at the University of Fine Arts in Hamburg, where he was taught by Wim Wenders and Angela Schanelec, among others. In the course of this, an exchange programme took him to the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris in 2013. In 2016, he also took part in Werner Herzog's Rogue Film School. His film work has been shown at numerous national and international festivals and has won several awards. The Bicycle is his first feature film and won the Prix du Jury at the Festival des Films du Monde de Montréal. In 2019, his second feature film Gasmann was released, which also screened at various international festivals, such as the 41st Cairo International Film Festival and the Shanghai International Film Festival, and will be released on 1 April 2021. In 2020, he received a Wim Wenders grant for his new film Kaftan's Journey.

Kai Koschig
External lecturer for guitar and ensemble
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.Mus. Popular Music
- B.A. Music Production

Donata Kramarz
External lecturer for songwriting
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.Mus. Popular Music
- B.A. Music Production

Alexandra Kroczewski-Gubsch
External lecturer
E-mail: [email protected]
About me
Alexandra Kroczewski-Gubsch has been a lecturer at the Dresden School of Management since January 2020. Her more than 30 years of experience in the sports and event sector began as a competitive athlete in Chemnitz.
A few years later, she switched to the fitness industry, where she worked for many years as a club and group fitness manager for regional and international companies. During this time, in addition to organisational management, she was also responsible for budgets, events and personnel. At the same time, she completed her degree in sociology, psychology and business administration at the TU Dresden. She also completed numerous training and further education programmes. These include a second degree (MBA Sports Management), training in corporate health management (IHK) and the University Didactics Certificate (HDS).
Since 2008, she has worked as a lecturer, assessor and mentor for various educational institutions and universities such as the Dresden School of Management.

Anja Krutzke
External lecturer for communication
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.A. Marketing Communication
- B.A. Management of the Creative Industries - Event and Music Management
About me
Anja Krutzke studied social and business communication at the Berlin University of the Arts and subsequently worked for the agencies Ketchum Pleon and Weber Shandwick as well as the children's rights organisation Save the Children.
As Head of Change + Internal Communication at the communications agency CBE DIGIDEN, she advises companies and organisations on the design of internal and external communication processes in times of digital transformation. One focus of her work is empowering communication managers to do excellent work even in times of permanent change.
Anja Krutzke has been a lecturer in reputation management, media relations, change communication and internal communication since 2014.

Dr Jill A. Küberling-Jost
External Lecturer for Strategic Marketing, Corporate Governance and Business Ethics
E-mail: [email protected]
- M.A. International Business - Sustainability Management
- M.A. International Business and Leadership

Ralf Kuendgen
External lecturer for Feldenkrais
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.Mus. Popular Music
- B.A. Music Production

My-Linh Art
External lecturer for Business Administration
E-mail: [email protected]
About me
My-Linh Kunst is a university lecturer in business administration, communication and intercultural competence. My-Linh Kunst was born in Vietnam and emigrated to the USA after the end of the Vietnam War. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Virginia McIntire School of Commerce and a Master of Business Administration degree from the Wharton School of Business. She worked in management consulting for over two decades, most recently as Managing Director of a German consulting firm. She then worked in non-profit organisations, most recently for two years as President of FAWCO, a United Nations accredited non-governmental organisation with ECOSOC consultative status.
In addition to teaching at university, My-Linh coaches women on their path to leadership, campaigns for human rights and has been publishing and exhibiting portraits since 2006. Her books: Beyond Borders (ISBN: 978-3-00-023990-8) features inspiring American women living overseas, and Hope is a Thing of Feathers (ISBN: 978-3-00-054267-1) portrays survivors of human trafficking and people who are making a difference.

Franziska Lange
External lecturer
E-mail: [email protected]

Nicole Loeser
External lecturer for Social Design & Sustainable Innovation
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +49177 7878578
- M.A. Social Design and Sustainable Innovation
About me
November 2020 - currently
Berlin School of Design and Communication
Lecturer, M.A. Social Design and Sustainable Innovation
2020 - current
Film University Potsdam
Art For Future Lab, Co-Founder
2017 - present
Institute for Art and Innovation (Think and Do Tank for socio-ecological transformation and innovation processes)
Co-Founder and Board Director
2001 - present
Freelance curator (more than 300 international exhibition and cooperation projects)
Federal Centre of Excellence for Cultural and Creative Industries, Berlin
Creative Lab, Innovation Coach
CODE - University of Applied Sciences, Berlin
Consultant, CODE Catalyst
2017 - 2019
Stiftung Entrepreneurship in cooperation with European Coastal Union, Museum Centre for Polish Sculpture and Hybrid Art Mgt.
EU Project Lead
2009 - 2020
WHITECONCEPTS Gallery, focus: interdisciplinary art projects and art in public space
Co-Founder and Director
MBA Digital Transformation, FH of the BFI Vienna
Graduate artist, Berlin Art Academy
1993 - 1996
Business Administration, Musicology, Cultural Studies, Humboldt University, Berlin

Matthias Mayr
External lecturer for music transmission
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.Mus. Popular Music
- B.A. Music Production

Emidio Mazzilli
External lecturer for active listening, electric bass, ensembles, music notation software (MuseScore & Finale)
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +49 157 33871311
- B.A. Audio Design
- B.A. Music Production
- B.Mus. Popular Music
About me
Emidio Mazzilli (stage name: Midio) is a session bassist and a music teacher.
As a bassist: he has worked, collaborated and played live all over Europe and has been associated with names such as: The Rumjacks, Talco, Dubioza Kolektiv, Ligabue, Diodato, Roy Paci, Tullio De Piscopo, Beppe Vessicchio (the main director of Sanremo), Arisa, Il Muro del Canto and many more. He has appeared several times on RAI Television with his own projects or as a guest.
As a music teacher: He began teaching privately in Italy and soon became an official teacher for national and international music schools. Immediately after graduating, he moved to Berlin to teach at the Berlin School of Popular Arts, SRH Berlin, where he still teaches today. In his teaching career he has taught: electric bass, ensemble playing, active listening, ear training, harmony, rhythm analysis, software notation, stage performance, songwriting and so on, between private lessons, class lessons and workshops.
studies: he earned a Master's degree in Electric Bass (Pop and Jazz) at Saint Louis College of Music, graduating with full marks and ranked as one of the best students of the year by the EU. He studied bass with Gianfranco Gullotto, Andrea Rosatelli and Marco Siniscalco, while developing a 360° musical knowledge by studying ear training, classical and jazz harmony, piano, music production, music history, etc. and receiving lessons from European masters such as Pierpaolo Principato, Andrea Avena, Vincenzo Presta, Antonio Solimene, etc. He attended several workshops held by: Alphonso Johnson, Marcus Miller, John Patitucci, Robben Ford, Peter Erskine, Roberto Gatto, Dario Deidda and many others.

Lukas Meinardus
External lecturer for game audio
E-Mail: [email protected]
- B.A. Music Production
- B.Mus. Popular Music

Natalie Michalik
External lecturer
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.A. International Business Administration - Business Psychology
- MBA Business Coaching and New Work Organisational Development | part-time
Diagnostics, evaluation and clinical psychology

Thomas Morse
External Lecturer for Accounting and Finance
E-mail: [email protected]
About me
Thomas is a lecturer at SRH for Financial Accounting, Management Accounting and Corporate Finance. He holds a BA from New York University and a JD from American University, Washington College of Law. He is licensed in the US as both an attorney and a certified public accountant (CPA). Thomas has been a lecturer at SRH since 2013 and has taught accounting and law at other public and private universities in Berlin. In addition to his teaching activities, he is a partner in the law firm Morse & von Kenne Partnerschaft.

Dr. Judith Mühlenhoff

Nikolaus Netzer
External lecturer for Computer Generated Imagery (CGI)
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +49 170 5429487
- B.A. Photography
- B.A. Communication Design | dual

Malte Nies
External lecturer for basics of photography and analogue photography and darkroom technology
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.A. Photography
- M.A. Photography
About me
After training as a photo lab technician and then studying photography and media at the FH Bielefeld, Malte Nies has been working as a freelance photographer in Berlin since 2007.
In 2011 he founded the agency Cequi - Fotografie und Grafik.
2014 followed the founding of the Cequi-Edition publishing house.
Malte Nies is artistically at home in concrete photography and teaches analogue photography at the Lette Verein.
He has been a lecturer for the basics of photography and analogue photography and darkroom technology at the Berlin School of Design and Communication since 2016.

Stefanie Ollenburg
External lecturer for Innovation Strategies (an Introduction to Foresight and Futures Literacy)
E-mail: [email protected]
- M.A. Strategic Design
About me
Stefanie works as a research assistant at the Institute for Design Research at HBK Braunschweig in the ScenAIR2050 project, focussing on futures research and transformation design. She is also a founding member of ZUKÜNFTE, a network for the promotion of futures education in German-speaking countries and the development of futures labs. She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Design (Academy of Art University, S.F.) and a Master in Futures Studies from the Free University of Berlin. There she teaches, among other things, participatory normative procedures in futures research.

Dr Catalina Ene Onea
External lecturer for German
E-mail: [email protected]
About me
Studied German and Romanian Studies at the University of Bucharest;
Master's degree in Intercultural Communication Strategies at the University of Bucharest and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; PhD in Intercultural Studies/Literary Studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Fellow of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. Multilingual author and journalist (German, English, Spanish, Romanian)
Thematic focus
As a lecturer:
Teaching German as a foreign language in an intercultural context (SRH Berlin, EF Education First Germany, EF Education GmbH/ Cultural Care Au Pair Berlin + own courses and workshops)
Teaching Romanian as a foreign language (BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Romanian Cultural Institute Berlin + own courses and workshops)
Coordination of language tandem German-Romanian/Romanian-German
As author/ cultural journalist:
Atorin of the study "Medea der Gegenwart: Formen und Funktionen des Medea-Mythos in literarischen Texten nach 1945 in interkultureller Perspektive".
With a foreword by Inge Stephan, Berlin 2017
Poet/writer (poems/ essay/ prose/ heater) - honoured with several prizes (e.g. Literature Prize of the German Embassy in Berlin).e.g. Literature Prize of the German Embassy in Romania, "Junior" National Prize for Literary Creation from the Romanian Writers' Association, "Adrian Marino Prize" for essay debut, etc. )
Cultural correspondent from abroad; collaboration with various cultural magazines from Europe.

Carolin Pfau
External lecturer for supervision
E-mail: [email protected]
- MBA Business Coaching and New Work Organisational Development | part-time
About me
Carolin Pfau has been supporting people and organisations in their development and change processes as a systemic integrative coach since 2012. She is convinced that many things - such as our inner attitude, our thoughts, actions and organisation - are in our hands. In the words of Ray Kurzweil: "What we spend our time on is probably the most important decision we make."
Since 2022, she has also been working as a teaching coach in the training and further education of coaches and as a supervisor. Neuroscience-based work and the use of various cognitive, experiential and body-orientated methods are particularly important to her. She loves her job and those who work with her can feel it.

Diego Piñera
External lecturer for rhythm and more
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +491797490508
- B.Mus. Popular Music
About me
Diego Piñera is a composer, arranger and drummer who has lived in Berlin for over 20 years. He was born in Uruguay, but has lived and studied in Cuba, Boston and Germany. He is influenced by different cultures and loves to experiment with rhythms. Piñera is an ECHO award winner and has been nominated for a Grammy and the German Jazz Award. He also teaches percussion and is a member of the faculty for popular music at the Dresden University of Music.

Killian Poolmans

Britta Posner
External lecturer for creative leadership
E-mail: [email protected]
- M.A. Strategic Design
About me
Britta Posner is the founder and director of the organisational development consultancy The Collaboration Practice. After studying biological anthropology at Cambridge University, her first career move took her into the world of advertising and marketing communications. During the following 20 years in this industry, Britta developed a passion for developing others - from designing leadership programmes and leading interdisciplinary international teams for blue-chip clients to successfully building communications agencies in Germany. These extensive experiences showed her the value and impact of a collaborative working culture.
In 2014, Britta founded The Collaboration Practice to help organisations increase their productivity and innovation through collaboration. Together with an international team of experienced consultants, coaches and trainers, The Collaboration Practice works with a wide range of organisations and industries in the areas of executive development, leadership, high performance teams, collaborative culture, purpose work and employee value proposition. Britta shares this blend of thought leadership theory and practice as an instructor with her students in the areas of creative leadership, branding and marketing.

Matthias Raab
External lecturer in the field of renewable energies
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +49 162 800 20 10
- Solar Winter School
- Solar Summer Team-up!
- International Wind Industry Training

Sarah Deborah Reininghaus

René Rennefeld
External lecturer for music business and production management
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.Mus. Popular Music
- B.A. Music Production

Sabine Reuter

Bernd Riedel
External lecturer for Speculative Design & Strategic Information Design
E-mail: [email protected]
- M.A. Strategic Design
About me
Bernd Riedel is a designer, entrepreneur and publicist. He has worked as an infographic designer and strategist in Munich, Berlin and New York. Since 2015, he has been a partner and Executive Creative Director of the Berlin-based creative and strategy agency Ellery Studio.
Bernd Riedel studied communication design at Augsburg University of Applied Sciences and holds a Master of Fine Arts in Transdisciplinary Design from Parsons School for Design in New York. is a Parsons Dean's Scholar, Fulbright Alumnus and was a Research Fellow at the Center for Data Arts in New York. As Vice President of the German Fulbright Alumni Association, he was active in transatlantic educational exchange. Furthermore, as co-founder of Speculative Futures Berlin, he is committed to the discourse on speculative design and creative futurology.
Since 2017, Bernd Riedel has been teaching Strategic Information Design and Speculative Design at the Berlin School of Design and Communication (BSDC), SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences.

Silka Rödl
External lecturer
E-mail: [email protected]

Michael Rüger

Saskia Sattler
External lecturer for career coaching
- MBA Business Coaching and New Work Organisational Development | part-time
E-mail: [email protected]
About me
"Detours broaden local knowledge" - this saying probably best describes my life path so far. I have always been passionate about supporting people, building (organisational) structures and actively shaping social change. In my search for suitable forms of expression for these deeply rooted convictions, I have worked in a wide variety of contexts, which has enabled me to gain diverse experience and develop a broad range of expertise in different areas.
After completing a bachelor's degree in economics and an interdisciplinary master's degree in philosophy, politics and economics, I spent five years as the right-hand man of leaders in politics and business and managed special strategic projects. I then worked as a product manager in a coaching training institute, where I set up an online academy and was responsible for product communication. I have been working as a coach, university lecturer and trainer since 2021 - initially on a part-time basis and since February 2024 as a full-time self-employed coach. My current part-time psychology studies deepen my understanding of the psychological aspects in both personal and organisational contexts. In addition, I have been involved at various political levels for 10 years and am now continuing my voluntary work in the German Coaching Association.
In coaching, I follow a systemic-integrative approach that focuses on self-reflection and self-empowerment. I support my clients in finding the right professional (re)direction for them, questioning social norms and expectations, strengthening their own identity and developing effective communication strategies.

Natascha Roth-Schollfield

Marcus Schadt
External lecturer for user experience & usability
E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: +49 30 29 77 0366
- M.A. Social Design and Sustainable Innovation
- B.A. Management of the Creative Industries - PR Management and Journalism
About me
Following the motto "form is function", Marcus Schadt has been researching and working as an interface designer and front-end developer since 2001. He gained agency experience in Reading (UK) and Berlin. In 2008, he founded the full-service agency 'amselrehhase'.
He specialises in user experience, usability, interface design and template development.

Adelheid Schardt
External lecturer for advertising strategies and copywriting
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.A. Management of the Creative Industries - Event and Music Management

Christoph Schlimbach
External lecturer for music transmission
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.Mus. Popular Music
- B.A. Music Production

Daniel Schmuck
External lecturer for music transmission
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.Mus. Popular Music
- B.A. Music Production

Niv Shpigel
External lecturer for Visual Storytelling & Concept Art
E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: +4915750451332
- B.A. Film & Motion Design
About me
Niv is an award-winning animator and illustrator with experience in short films, feature films and video games. He is dedicated to creating unique worlds with characters and stories that populate them.
His films have screened at more than 60 film festivals around the world and won numerous awards, including 1st prize at the prestigious Oscar-qualifying Santa Barbara Film Festival (LOAD, 2015).
Niv is also a passionate teacher. He currently teaches conceptual art and visual storytelling at the SRH University of Applied Sciences in Berlin. His teaching philosophy focuses on helping students develop analytical thinking, growth mindset and setting individual goals.

Jocelyn B. Smith

Claudia Speer
External lecturer for calligraphy and design
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.A. Communication Design
About me
2017 - Present: Lecturer at the SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences
2006 - Present: Founding of Sakura Klub: performance project with ink painting, calligraphy, music and digital animation
2006: Study trip to Japan, visit to Toboku Sugiyama in Osaka
2003 - Present: Founding of Atelier Shoyosei, teaching Shodo - Japanese calligraphy
2002 - Present: Works as a freelance artist and designer
2001: Participation in the international artists' meeting "Plenerze Malarskim" in Ploty/Poland
1997 - 2002: Studies at the FHTW Berlin Communication Design, Diploma Designer (FH) specialising in photography/video and digital media, class: Professor Manfred Paul
1997 - 1999: Humboldt University Berlin: Lessons in Shodo: Japanese calligraphy with Prof. Suikou Shimon Suikou Shimon
1994 - 1997: employed as a graphic designer at the Adverta advertising agency in Berlin
1993 - 1997: lessons in Chinese calligraphy and traditional ink painting with Ren Shimin
1991 - 1994: trained as a graphic designer at the Lette Verein Berlin (vocational school for fashion, photography and graphics)
1993 - Current: solo and group exhibitions in Germany and Japan.
Her works have been exhibited at the Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre, the Ringoseika Gallery Tokyo, the Women's Museum Bonn, the Sumida Riverside Hall Tokyo, the Inselgalerie Berlin, Blond & Blond Contemporary, the General Incorporated Association Museum in Shimane/Japan, Schwartzsche Villa Berlin, Gutshaus Steglitz Gallery in Berlin, Japanese Embassy.
Her works are in private collections.

Steffen Spiegel
External lecturer for international tourism and event management
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.A. International Tourism and Event Management
About me
I am a "professional tourist": After training in a travel agency at Hapag-Lloyd and two seasons as a tour guide for TUI on the Portuguese island of Madeira, I studied International Tourism Management at Bremen University of Applied Sciences. Since then I have been working on cruise ships as a cruise director (in particular on the "dream ship" MS Amadea of Phoenix Reisen) and advising tour operators. I have been teaching tourism and business subjects for more than ten years. I particularly focus on the relation of theory to professional practice and a continuous exchange with students from different cultural backgrounds.

Alexander Straulino
External lecturer for photography
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +49 151 23000462
- B.A. Photography
- M.A. Photography
About me
Alexander Straulino's photography explores the elusive gap between fashion and art. His work is a dialogue between the conscious and the subconscious, questioning our inner beliefs about what beauty and eroticism actually are. His work has been featured in numerous international publications and exhibitions.

Marc Süß

Teferie Tafesse
External lecturer
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.A. Management of the Creative Industries - PR Management and Journalism

Shaun Trezise
External lecturer for English
E-mail: [email protected]
About me
I am a specialist in business English with over 8 years of experience in companies in Berlin. I have been working exclusively online since 2020. I have been teaching at SRH since 2018 and have also recently started supporting entrepreneurial students in their startup adventures in an advisory role.
As an avid user and adopter of EdTech, I am constantly on the lookout for exciting new projects to try out with my SRH students.
Most of my time is spent on 1:1 language coaching for professionals, particularly in the fields of finance, IT and property management, which helps me to prepare SRH students well for entering the world of work.
I develop courses for (virtual) classroom training, e-learning, mobile learning, learning games, learning performance support (simulations), and I am always looking to learn more to improve myself and the outcomes for my students.

Florian Unruh

Oliver Uschmann

Lena Vöcklinghaus
External lecturer
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.A. Creative Writing & Copywriting
About me
Lena Vöcklinghaus is a freelance author and literary mediator based in Berlin. In 2020, she completed her doctorate in German Studies on the framework, phenomena and performances of contemporary author readings. She was a member of the research group "Schreibszene Frankfurt: Poetik, Publizistik und Performanz von Gegenwartsliteratur" at Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main. She previously studied sociology in Mannheim and literary writing in Hildesheim. She has worked on various cultural projects, including BELLA triste - Zeitschrift für Junge Literatur, BLOCK magazine, the magazine PS: Politisch Schreiben, the PROSANOVA literature festival and the theatre podcast Dreima Drama. She teaches on the B.A. Creative Writing and Copywriting programme at the Berlin School of Popular Arts.

Jens von Thünen
External lecturer for design, 3D visualisation and real-time CGI
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.A. Photography
- M.A. Photography
About me
Jens von Thünen is a freelancer and freelance lecturer for design, 3D visualisation and real-time CGI. With over 10 years of experience in advertising, his clients include numerous companies such as Volkswagen, British American Tobacco, Daimler and Brita. He teaches various modules on CGI at SRH Berlin.

Joe Weintraub
External Lecturer for Film & Screenwriting
E-Mail: [email protected]
- B.A. Film & Motion Design
- M.A. Film, Television and Digital Narratives

Marcel Weishäupl
External lecturer for music business
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.Mus. Popular Music
- B.A. Music Production

Björn Werra
External lecturer for bass and ensemble
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.Mus. Popular Music
- B.A. Music Production

Kai Wiechmann
External lecturer for applied photography
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +49 160 841 6566
- B.A. Photography
About me
Since completing his photo design studies, Kai has worked worldwide as an image designer for advertising agencies and magazines in the fields of people and transportation. In his freelance work and editorials, he deals with questions about our self-image and the undercurrents of modern life.As a professional creative with many years of production experience, Kai is deepening his insight into the world of applied photography at SRH, from editorial and car photography to the mediation of all varieties of lighting and photographic staging.

Oliver Wilke
External lecturer for coaching
E-Mail: [email protected]
- MBA Business Coaching and New Work Organisational Development | part-time
- Financing and accounting for coaches and organisational developers
- Methods and relationship design in coaching

Lea-Liane Winkler
External lecturer
E-mail: [email protected]

Alexander Lancelot Wordel
External lecturer for methodology & professionalisation
E-mail: [email protected]
- M.A. Strategic Design
About me
After studying social and business communication at the Berlin University of the Arts, he completed the School of Design Thinking at the HPI in Potsdam and has been working as a strategic designer since 2012.
Alexander Lancelot Wordel worked for agencies and companies before becoming fully self-employed. Most recently, as Lead Innovation Strategist, he was responsible for the conception and implementation of Factory Berlin's membership programme. He currently works as a speaker at the Haufe Academy and as a consultant and coach in the field of human-centred design and innovation for various companies and organisations in Germany and Europe.
Since 2017, Alexander Lancelot Wordel has been a lecturer for Strategic Design Thinking in the course Methodology I/II and Professionalisation in the M.A. Strategic Design programme.

Marwa Zein
External lecturer
E-Mail: [email protected]
- B.A. Film & Motion Design
- M.A. Film, Television and Digital Narratives

Tillmann Zock
External lecturer for music transmission
E-mail: [email protected]
- B.Mus. Popular Music
- B.A. Music Production