Find out more about the creative Master's programmes at SRH University. Directly from our professors
Find out more about the creative studies at SRH University
At SRH University, you can study many creative degree programmes from different subject areas and in different disciplines.
Whether it's design, film, photography or media and communication. Our professors will teach you how to develop your creative passion into practical and professional skills.
In our online info sessions, our professors will explain to you in person what studying with us is like, what skills you should already have and what you will learn.
The following study programmes have already been confirmed for this online session:
Presentations will take place simultaneously online in breakout rooms/conference rooms. Afterwards, you can ask the professors any questions you have about the programme.
Media Communication and Media Production
Master of Arts I Berlin | German
Discover the future of the ever-changing media industry on our Master's degree programme in Media Communication and Media Production! Prepare yourself to be successful in a variety of fields, immerse yourself in the world of digitalisation and discover exciting new career opportunities.
Film, Television and Digital Narratives
Master of Arts | Berlin | English
Writing series, producing feature films, designing television formats, editing films - the world of film and television is large and growing dynamically. With the Master Film, Television & Digital Narratives (M. A.) you will secure your place in the industry.
Social Design & Sustainable Innovation
Master of Arts | Berlin | English
You want to design what the world really needs. With the M.A. Social Design & Sustainable Innovation at our SRH University, you will become a designer for social change and develop design ideas for the social challenges of our time.
Marketing Management | dual
Master of Arts | Berlin | German
Our practice-integrating dual Master's degree programme in Marketing Management (M. A.) sharpens your skills profile as a marketing expert and enables you to immediately apply your newly acquired expertise in professional practice.