SRH University

International Business Administration Digital Marketing

Bachelor of Arts | Berlin, Hamburg

Learn how to scale international brands and make sound business decisions with our cutting-edge digital marketing degree. This Bachelor's programme includes integrated projects to strengthen your marketing know-how and build your soft skills.

Students of SRH University in Digital Marketing during a group project.
All Facts at a Glance
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
1st April; 1st October
180 or 210
6 or 7 semesters/3 or 3.5 years
Berlin, Hamburg
from €690 per month -  Show costs split
content of your studies

Learn more about Marketing & Brand Management

Fine-tuned marketing strategies drive the core decisions of any modern business. The days of guessing are over – hard data and customer insights now allow marketers to craft laser-targeted messages to an engaged audience. In other words, skilled digital marketing directly influences revenue.

The distinguishing feature that sets this programme apart is that it is a business administration degree by nature — it sets you up for a solid career in this environment.

The focus on digital marketing takes a broad approach. Instead of confining you to specialist roles, this comprehensive teaching method gives you flexibility in your career choices. As a result, the knowledge and competencies you earn last longer than the fast-paced technological innovations in this field.

Based in Berlin, Germany's tech hub and startup capital, we designed this industry-friendly bachelor's degree especially for you – to explore different management disciplines and deepen your knowledge in the operational fields of digital marketing.

Your skills from this International Business Administration degree will allow you to navigate a business of any size through the stormiest of waters.

Your curriculum includes specialised marketing topics such as brand management, communication, online marketing, advertising psychology, and hands-on projects to develop your creative, social, and analytical skills.

You will also graduate with a deep understanding of the guardrails that guide successful businesses, such as international business law, investment management, and accounting.

Enhance your experience with the following choices:

  • 6-semester/3-year option (Fast Track)
  • 7-semester/3.5-year option (International Experience Track – includes internship/semester abroad)
Student in Digital Marketing at SRH University with her notes in the classroom.
career opportunities

Become a market researcher, product manager, ...

As a holder of a digital marketing degree you benefit from a solid management foundation that enables you to work on complex problems independently and efficiently, thus opening the door to marketing-related fields such as strategic management or consulting.

Choose from the following career paths:

  • Digital marketing manager
  • Product manager
  • Brand management expert
  • Content strategist
  • Market and consumer researcher
  • Marketing and business consultant
  • Positions in advertising and communication
View of a female student with glasses engaging with colleagues at SRH University.
Studentin mit Handy in der Hand läuft an einer roten Wand vorbei
Your path to the future
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Your modules

In the B.A. International Business Administration - Digital Marketing programme at SRH University, you will learn to develop and implement digital marketing strategies successfully. From SEO and social media to content marketing, you'll gain in-depth knowledge in market research, brand management, and consumer behaviour. This programme combines essential business fundamentals with innovative digital tools, and you'll work on real-life projects throughout your practical studies to refine your skills. This experience will prepare you thoroughly for the demands of the international market and the digital economy.

Contact us to receive more information about the curriculum and explore your career opportunities after graduation!

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Study plan

Your curriculum

180 ECTS (Fast Track)
210 ECTS (International Experience Track)
6 Semester 180 ECTS
1. Semester

1st semester

  • Business Software

  • Introduction to Financial Accounting

  • Management Information Systems

  • Applied Business Mathematics

  • Language I

2. Semester

2nd semester

  • Marketing for the Digital Era

  • Cost and Performance Accounting

  • Operations Management

  • Foundations of Finance - Financial Mathematics

  • Language II

3. Semester

3rd semester

  • International Law

  • Entrepreneurship and Business Simulation

  • Principles of Microeconomics

  • Applied Statistics

  • Academic writing and research methods

4. Semester

4th semester

  • Investment and Financing

  • Human Resources and Organisation Management

  • Marketing Communication. Just do it

  • Digital Consumer Insights: Understanding customers

  • Online Marketing

5. Semester

5th semester

  • Future Trends in Business and Economics

  • Brand Management: From A for Apple to Z for Zippo

  • Brand Management in Depth: Developing a Brand

  • Internship

6. Semester

6th semester

  • Internship

  • Bachelor Colloquium

  • Bachelor Thesis

7 Semester 210 ECTS
1. Semester

1st semester

  • Business Software

  • Introduction to Financial Accounting

  • Management Information Systems

  • Applied Business Mathematics

  • Language I

2. Semester

2nd semester

  • Marketing for the Digital Era

  • Cost and Performance Accounting

  • Operations Management

  • Foundations of Finance - Financial Mathematics

  • Language II

3. Semester

3rd semester

  • International Law

  • Entrepreneurship and Business Simulation

  • Principles of Microeconomics

  • Applied Statistics

  • Academic writing and research methods

4. Semester

4th semester

  • Investment and Financing

  • Human Resources and Organisation Management

  • Marketing Communication. Just do it

  • Digital Consumer Insights: Understanding customers

  • Online Marketing

5. Semester

5th semester

  • Future Trends in Business and Economics

  • Brand Management: From A for Apple to Z for Zippo

  • Brand Management in Depth: Developing a Brand

  • Internship

6. Semester

6th semester

  • International Experience Semester

  • International Internship


In the 6th semester you choose the module International Experience Semester (30 ECTS) OR International Internship (30 ECTS).

7. Semester

7th semester

  • Internship

  • Bachelor Colloquium

  • Bachelor Thesis

Our CORE principle
Our CORE principle

Apply your skills in real life

Today, soft and social skills are crucial in addition to hard skills and expertise. That's why SRH University's innovative, successful, and award-winning CORE principle promotes independent and active learning so that you can apply your knowledge directly to projects and your future career—for a clear competitive advantage.

Learn more about CORE
Your choice
Your choice

Fast Track or International Experience Track

We offer you the opportunity to complete your studies within 3 or 3.5 years, so you can follow your own path. Choose between:

  • International Experience Track | 3.5 years duration (7 semesters): internship/semester abroad (6 months) + internship in the final semester (14 weeks) included
  • Fast Track | 3 years duration (6 semesters): internship in the final semester (14 weeks) included
Your internship or semester abroad
Discover the world during your studies

Do you want to study or work abroad? During your semester or internship abroad, you have the opportunity to gain international experience. You will also get to know other cultures and improve your language skills.

Interview | Starting a business during his studies
Portrait of SRH-Student Florian Buck
Interview | Starting a business during his studies

Florian Buck talks about his own agency

What company did you found and how did it come about?
I founded my TikTok Marketing Agency in 2022. This came about as I built a TikTok channel with over 100,000 subscribers at the beginning of Covid. Since many companies contacted me because of my videos, I decided to start an agency to support them in achieving their goals.

How can you use the content from your studies in your activity as a founder?
One of the most important qualities that supported me in my founding phase is social competence. Organizational skills and selling ideas were also important. In modules at SRH, I was able to refine my skills for this. Through constant practice of these skills in presentations and lectures, I was able to perfect them.

What do you like about studying at SRH?
Studying at SRH allowed me to gain experience as an entrepreneur and self-employed person parallel to my studies. Additionally, I was encouraged and supported by a competent environment, which was further enhanced by the small classes. Since I was in close contact with the teachers, I could turn to them directly with questions.

Project | Smart Food Markt
Project | Smart Food Markt

Development of a "Better World"-Brand

Students conceptualise a sustainable liquid meal including product & logo creation and communication measures.

View Project
Take a look.

Digital Marketing - What the students learned

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Smart financing

As a state-recognised private university, SRH University is financed by tuition fees. The fees go towards equipping our campuses, providing services for our students, and ensuring quality assurance. This way, we ensure you receive the best possible education under optimal study conditions.

Citizenship | EU/EEA (incl. Switzerland, Western Balkans and Ukraine)

  • International Experience Track (7 semesters)
    • Berlin: €690 per month
    • Hamburg: €620 per month
  • Fast Track (6 semesters)
    • Berlin: €790 per month
    • Hamburg : €650 per month

Citizenship | Non-EU/EEA

  • International Experience Track (7 semesters)
    • Berlin: €5,100 per semester
    • Hamburg,: €4,500 per semester
  • Fast Track (6 semesters)
    • Berlin: €5,500 per semester

The monthly/semester tuition fees remain the same for the entire duration of the study programme. A one-off enrolment fee of €750 (EU/EEA) or €1000 (non-EU/EEA) is to be paid once

Goal-oriented studies require good organisational skills and solid financial planning on how to pay rent, living costs, and tuition fees. Various financing options, such as educational loans or scholarship programmes, are available for students.

We have summarised all financing options for you.

Admission requirements and application


You can apply at any time via our online portal. After receiving your documents, we will review them and invite you to an admissions interview.

To apply for the Bachelor's programme in International Business Administration - Digital Marketing, you will need to provide

  • General higher education or university of applied sciences entrance qualification. If you have not graduated yet, apply with existing transcripts.
  • Proof of English
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Copy of your identity card or passport

More information about the admission requirements 

Apply now
Application process

We look forward to welcoming you to SRH University. This is what our application process looks like:

  1. Submit your online application via the SRH application portal
  2. If admission requirements are met, you will receive an invitation for the admissions interview*
  3. After a successful interview, you will receive an acceptance letter and the study contract
  4. Read thoroughly, sign and upload your study contract to your application account
  5. Reserve your study place by paying the enrolment fee within the guarantee period
  6. Receive your letter of admission
  7. Apply for a study visa should you require one (Who needs a visa)
  8. Pay your tuition fees as per your study contract
  9. Participate in Welcome Week and begin your studies 

*Note that not all programmes require an interview, in some cases you may be asked to video record it or you may receive your letter of acceptance directly. 

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