Applied Mechatronic Systems Our Mechatronics Bachelor's degree combines mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science. Strengthen your technical expertise, learn design solutions for electromechanical systems and hone your soft skills. Bachelor full-time EN Berlin , Heidelberg
Computer Science When it comes to optimising digital services, IT experts are always in high demand. Are you passionate about IT systems, mobile apps and AI? Are you interested in software development? Then the B.Sc. Computer Science is the right choice for you. Bachelor full-time EN multiple locations
Virtual Reality & Game Development Game Art Games don't just have to be fun, they also have to look good. With our game art course, you will learn how to make a game look good from the first concept art to every single 3D model! Bachelor full-time DE Heidelberg , Munich
Virtual Reality & Game Development Game Design ‘The game shows the character’, as the old saying goes, and Germans love games of all kinds. If you are one of them, then turn your passion into a profession: become a game designer with our Game Design degree programme! Bachelor full-time DE multiple locations
Virtual Reality & Game Developement Game Programming Would you like to bring a game to life and become a highly specialised computer scientist? With our Game Programming degree programme, you will make games ‘run’, regardless of whether you are programming the game engine or the actual gameplay. Bachelor full-time DE Heidelberg , Munich
International Business Administration Supply Chain Management With the Supply Chain Management B.A. in Berlin you will become an expert in logistics! You will not only acquire management skills, but also deepen your logistics expertise. Internships and projects will also strengthen your practical experience. Bachelor full-time EN Leipzig , Cologne
Virtual Reality & Game Development Technical Art Technical artists are in demand in the games industry because they combine the best of both worlds: They can automatically generate graphics, create visual effects and programme shaders. Bachelor full-time DE Heidelberg , Munich
Virtual Reality & Game Development Virtual & Mixed Reality Pokémon Go and Beat Saber were just the beginning: virtual, augmented and mixed reality are increasingly conquering our living rooms, mobile phones and offices. Become a pioneer by studying virtual reality and discover your future in virtual space! Bachelor full-time DE Heidelberg , Munich
Web Development In the B.Sc. Web Development programme, you will focus on UX design, web development, IOT, coding and software engineering for sustainable IT solutions. This opens up a wide range of opportunities for you as a UI/UX Design Expert, Full Stack or Web Developer. Bachelor full-time EN Berlin
Web Development | dual Plan, design and develop sustainable digital products in a corporate context - in the dual study programme B.Sc. Web Development you have the opportunity to complete the entire programme as a practice-integrated dual study programme. Bachelor dual EN Berlin