Advertising & Brand Design Study B.A. Advertising & Brand Design in Berlin and learn to understand people and their needs. Learn how to strategically evaluate, conceive and design creative ideas for companies, brands and products while communicating in a targeted way. Bachelor full-time EN Berlin
Audio Design Producing electronic music, designing sounds, underscoring films and sound engineering - is that exactly your world? On the Bachelor's degree course in Audio Design (B.A.), you will learn how to shape the world with sounds, noise and music. Bachelor full-time EN Berlin , Munich
Communication design Developing identities for brands and companies. Experiment with graphics, photos, film and interactive media. The Bachelor's degree in Communication Design is the design degree programme that enables you to master the entire spectrum of visual communication. Bachelor full-time DE Berlin , Cologne
Film & Motion Design Telling stories and creating cinematic designs. Producing spots, short films and animations. Studying B.A. Film & Motion Design in Berlin will teach you directing, revising and post-production, and how to transport your creative ideas to the big screen. Bachelor full-time EN Berlin
Virtual Reality & Game Development Game Art Games don't just have to be fun, they also have to look good. With our game art course, you will learn how to make a game look good from the first concept art to every single 3D model! Bachelor full-time DE Heidelberg
Virtual Reality & Game Development Game Design ‘The game shows the character’, as the old saying goes, and Germans love games of all kinds. If you are one of them, then turn your passion into a profession: become a game designer with our Game Design degree programme! Bachelor full-time DE Berlin , Heidelberg
Virtual Reality & Game Developement Game Programming Would you like to bring a game to life and become a highly specialised computer scientist? With our Game Programming degree programme, you will make games ‘run’, regardless of whether you are programming the game engine or the actual gameplay. Bachelor full-time DE Heidelberg
Illustration Drawing is your passion; you think in images. Our Berlin-based B.A. Illustration programme will teach you to visualise messages and draft blueprints while developing your personal style. Learn to apply your drawing skills in a professional context. Bachelor full-time EN Berlin
Music Production Are you passionate about song production from the initial idea to the performance or finished production? Our Bachelor's degree in Music Production is ideal for musical all-rounders who want to direct the creative and technical design of songs. Bachelor full-time EN Berlin , Munich
Photography Styling models, building sets, setting up lighting, obsessing with details. Scouting locations, capturing moments. Merging analog and digital. If this is your world, then our B.A. Photography degree is perfect to help you develop your own visual language. Bachelor full-time EN Berlin
Popular Music Your music is a mixture of hip hop, gamelan and singer/songwriter. Your dream is to become a top musician... We welcome you to our music performance degree B.Mus. Popular Music, the talent factory for musicians of all genres! Bachelor full-time EN Berlin
Virtual Reality & Game Development Technical Art Technical artists are in demand in the games industry because they combine the best of both worlds: They can automatically generate graphics, create visual effects and programme shaders. Bachelor full-time DE Heidelberg
User Experience Design and Content Creation Using design and technology to move people, visualise messages and information, tell stories, expand realities, and change the environment - this is your professional future after completing the UX Design Bachelor's programme. Bachelor full-time EN Berlin , Stuttgart
Virtual Reality & Game Development Virtual & Mixed Reality Pokémon Go and Beat Saber were just the beginning: virtual, augmented and mixed reality are increasingly conquering our living rooms, mobile phones and offices. Become a pioneer by studying virtual reality and discover your future in virtual space! Bachelor full-time DE Heidelberg
Virtual Reality & Game Development Shape the future of gaming! Create stunning graphics, develop captivating game mechanics, and bring games to life. From design to programming – with our Bachelor's program in Virtual Reality & Game Development, you'll become an expert in interactive worlds! Bachelor full-time DE,EN Berlin , Heidelberg
Web Development In the B.Sc. Web Development programme, you will focus on UX design, web development, IOT, coding and software engineering for sustainable IT solutions. This opens up a wide range of opportunities for you as a UI/UX Design Expert, Full Stack or Web Developer. Bachelor full-time EN Berlin
Web Development | dual Plan, design and develop sustainable digital products in a corporate context - in the dual study programme B.Sc. Web Development you have the opportunity to complete the entire programme as a practice-integrated dual study programme. Bachelor dual EN Berlin