SRH University

Prof. Dr. Marco Warth

Professor für Klinische Psychologie | School of Health, Education and Social Sciences

Portraitfoto Marco Warth
Über mich

Über mich

Professor für Klinische Psychologie

Fakultät für Therapiewissenschaften, SRH Hochschule Heidelberg

Postgraduale Ausbildung zum Psychologischen Psychotherapeuten

IVT Kurpfalz (bis 03/2021), WIPS Saarbrücken (seit 04/2021)

Psychologischer Psychotherapeut i.A.

Ambulanz des Instituts für Medizinische Psychologie, Zentrum für Psychosoziale Medizin, UniversitätsKlinikum Heidelberg 

Klinischer Psychologe und Psychologischer Psychotherapeut i.A.

St. Thomas e.V., Schwetzingen 

Akademischer Mitarbeiter

Institut für Medizinische Psychologie, Zentrum für Psychosoziale Medizin, UniversitätsKlinikum Heidelberg

Doktorand und wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft

Zentrum für Schmerztherapie und Palliativmedizin, Klinik für Anästhesiologie, UniversitätsKlinikum Heidelberg 

Akademischer Mitarbeiter

Fakultät für Therapiewissenschaften, SRH Hochschule Heidelberg


Social cognition lab, Department of Psychology, University of California, San Diego


Social cognition lab, Department of Psychology, University of California, San Diego

Freiberufliche Tätigkeit als Marktforscher

GIM Heidelberg, re:facts Mannheim


An diesen Publikationen habe ich mitgewirkt


  • Koehler F, Kessler J, Stoffel M, Weber M, Bardenheuer HJ, Ditzen B, Warth M. Psychoneuroendocrinological effects of music therapy versus mindfulness in palliative care: Results from the 'Song of Life' randomized controlled trial. Support Care Cancer 2021. in press. 
  • Warth M, Koehler F, Brehmen M, Weber M, Bardenheuer HJ, Ditzen B, Kessler J. “Song of Life”: Results of a multicenter randomized trial on the effects of biographical music therapy in palliative care. Palliat Med. 2021;35(6):1126-1136.  
  • Warth M, Stoffel M, Winter F, Jarczok MN, Aguilar-Raab C, Ditzen B. Instructed partnership appreciation in depression: Effects on mood, momentary relationship satisfaction, and stress reactivity. Front Psychiatr. 2020; 11:701.
  • Gäbel C, Rittner S, Stoffel M, Jarczok M, Aguilar-Raab C, Ditzen B, Warth M. Study Protocol of the MUSED Study: A Randomized Controlled Trial to Evaluate the Psychobiological Effects of Group Music Therapy on Depression in Adult Women. Nord J Music Ther. 2020; DOI: 10.1080/08098131.2020.1760921.
  • Hopf D, Eckstein M, Aguilar-Raab C, Warth M, Ditzen B. Neuroendocrine Mechanisms of Grief and Bereavement – A Systematic Review and Implications for Future Interventions. J Neuroendocrinol 2020; 00:e1288.
  • Warth M, Koehler F, Aguilar-Raab C, Bardenheuer HJ, Ditzen B, Kessler J. Stress-reducing effects of a brief mindfulness intervention in palliative care: Results form a randomized, crossover study. Eur J Cancer Care. 2020;29(4):e13249.
  • Koehler F, Martin Z, Hertrampf R, Gäbel C, Keßler J, Ditzen B, Warth M. Music therapy in the psychosocial treatment of adult cancer patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Front Psychol. 2020;11:651.
  • Warth M, Zöller J, Köhler F, Aguilar-Raab C, Kessler J, Ditzen B. Psychosocial interventions for pain management in advanced cancer patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Curr Oncol Rep. 2020;22(1):3.
  • Gäbel C, Hillecke TK, Warth M. Effekte von live gespielter Monochord-Musik auf die vagal-mediierte Herzfrequenzvariabilität und den Entspannungszustand bei gesunden Studierenden. Musiktherapeutische Umschau. 2019;40(3):249-252.
  • Koehler F, Martin Z, Hertrampf R, Gäbel C, Keßler J, Ditzen B, Warth M. Musiktherapeutische Ansätze in der Psychoonkologie. Der Onkologe. 2019;25(12):1103-1109.
  • Warth M, Koehler F, Weber M, Bardenheuer HJ, Ditzen B, Kessler J. “Song of Life (SOL)” study protocol: a multicenter, randomized trial on the emotional, spiritual, and psychobiological effects of music therapy in palliative care. BMC Palliat Care. 2019;18:14.
  • Warth M, Kessler J, Koehler F, Aguilar-Raab C, Bardenheuer HJ, Ditzen B. Brief psychosocial interventions improve quality of life of patients receiving palliative care: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Palliat Med. 2019;33(3):332-345.
  • Aguilar-Raab, C, Jarczok MN, Warth M, Stoffel M, Tieck M, Berg J, Negi LT, Harrison T, Pace TWW, Ditzen B. Enhancing Social Interaction in Depression (SIDE Study) – Protocol of a randomized controlled trial on the effects of a Cognitively-Based-Compassion-Training (CBCT®) for Couples. BMJ Open. 2018;8:e020448. 
  • Kim S, Gäbel C, Aguilar-Raab C, Hillecke TK, Warth M. Affective and autonomic response to dynamic rhythmic entrainment – Mechanisms of a specific music therapy factor. Arts Psychother. 2018;60:48-54.
  • Warth M. Musiktherapie – Ein komplementäres Angebot. Pflegen: palliativ 2018;38:10-23.
  • Fuchs D, Hillecke TK, Warth M. Relaxation effects of musically guided resonance breathing: A randomized controlled pilot study. Music and Medicine. 2018;10(2):104-112.
  • Warth M, Kessler J, van Kampen J, Ditzen B, Bardenheuer HJ. ‘Song of Life’: music therapy in terminally ill patients with cancer. BMJ Support Palliat Care. 2018;8:167-170.
  • Warth M, Kessler J, Bardenheuer HJ. Insomnia and autonomic function predict acute well-being in patients receiving palliative care. J Palliat Med. 2017;20(12):1395-1399.
  • Gäbel C, Garrido N, Koenig J, Hillecke TK, Warth M. Effects of Monochord Music on Heart Rate Variability and Self-Reports of Relaxation in Healthy Adults. Complement Med Res. 2017;24(2):97-103.
  • Hillecke TK, Warth M, Wormit AF. Research crisis in music therapy - In search of the holy grail of evidence-based approaches or adequate research methods?. Musiktherapeutische Umschau. 2017;38(3):242-255.
  • Koenig J, Rinnewitz L, Warth M, Hillecke TK, Brunner R, Resch F, Kaess M. Psychobiological response to pain in female adolescents with nonsuicidal self-injury. J Psychiatry Neurosci. 2017;42(3):189-199.
  • Koch SC, Gruber H, Kortum R, Reichelt S, Martin L, Warth M, Radbruch L. Künstlerische Therapien in der Palliativversorgung - Ein evidenzbasierter Überblick. Hospizzeitschrift. 2016;68(1):20-26.
  • Warth M, Kessler J, Hillecke TK, Bardenheuer HJ. Trajectories of Terminally Ill Patients' Cardiovascular Response to Receptive Music Therapy in Palliative Care. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2016;52(2):196-204.
  • Koenig J, Rinnewitz L, Warth M, Kaess M. Autonomic nervous system and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis response to experimentally induced cold pain in adolescent non-suicidal self-injury--study protocol. BMC Psychiatry. 2015;15:150.
  • Koenig J, Jarczok MN, Ellis RJ, Warth M, Hillecke TK, Thayer JF. Lowered parasympathetic activity in apparently healthy subjects with self-reported symptoms of pain: preliminary results from a pilot study. Pain practice : the official journal of World Institute of Pain. 2015;15(4):314-318.
  • Warth M, Kessler J, Kotz S, Hillecke TK, Bardenheuer HJ. Effects of vibroacoustic stimulation in music therapy for palliative care patients: a feasibility study. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2015;15(1):436.
  • Warth M, Kessler J, Koenig J, Wormit AF, Hillecke TK, Bardenheuer HJ. Methodological challenges for music therapy controlled clinical trials in palliative care. Nordic Journal of music therapy. 2015;24(4):344-371.
  • Warth M, Kessler J, Hillecke TK, Bardenheuer HJ. Music Therapy in Palliative Care - A Randomized Controlled Trial to Evaluate Effects on Relaxation. Dtsch Arzteblatt Int. 2015;112(46):788-794.
  • Warth M, Kessler J, Hillecke TK, Bardenheuer HJ. Mehr als nur Entspannung? Möglichkeiten und Grenzen rezeptiver musiktherapeutischer Techniken in der Palliativmedizin. Zeitschrift für Palliativmedizin. 2015;16(5):217-223.
  • Koenig J, Jarczok MN, Warth M, Hillecke TK, Thayer JF. The Quick Inventory of Pain Symptoms (QIPS): A First Evaluation on Concurrent Validity and Sex Differences. SAGE Open. 2014;2014:1-7.
  • Koenig J, Jarczok MN, Warth M, Ellis RJ, Bach C, Hillecke TK, Thayer JF. Body mass index is related to autonomic nervous system activity as measured by heart rate variability - a replication using short term measurements. J Nutr Health Aging. 2014;18(3):300-302.
  • Kuhn W, Koenig J, Scholz A, Hillecke TK, Warth M. Psychometric Properties of the German Version of the Sexual-Desire-Inventory Short-Form [Psychometrische Eigenschaften der deutschsprachigen Kurzversion des Sexual Desire Inventory (SDI-2)]. Zeitschrift für Sexualtherapie. 2014;27(2):138-149.
  • Warth M, Koenig J, Keßler J, Wormit AF, Hillecke TK, Bardenheuer HJ. Musiktherapie in der palliativmedizinischen Versorgung: Gegenwärtiger Stand und aktuelle Entwicklungen. Musiktherapeutische Umschau. 2014;35(4):261-274.
  • Warth M, Kessler J, Koenig J, Wormit AF, Hillecke TK, Bardenheuer HJ. Music therapy to promote psychological and physiological relaxation in palliative care patients: protocol of a randomized controlled trial. BMC Palliat Care. 2014;13(1):60.
  • Koenig J, Jarczok MN, Warth M, Harmat L, Hesse N, Jespersen KV, Thayer JF, Hillecke TK. Music listening has no positive or negative effects on sleep quality of normal sleepers: Results of a randomized controlled trial. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy. 2013;22(3):233-242.
  • Koenig J, Warth M, Oelkers-Ax R, Wormit A, Bardenheuer HJ, Resch F, Thayer JF, Hillecke TK. I need to hear some sounds that recognize the pain in me: An integrative review of a decade of research in the development of active music therapy outpatient treatment in patients with recurrent or chronic pain. Music Med. 2013;5(3):150-161.
  • Wormit AF, Warth M, Koenig J, Hillecke TK, Bardenheuer HJ. Evaluating a Treatment Manual for Music Therapy in Adult Outpatient Oncology Care. Music Med. 2012;4(2):65-73.



  • Warth M., Platzbecker, G., Moreau, D. v. & Wormit, A. F. (2012). Musiktherapie. In: M. Anderheiden & W. U. Eckart (Hrsg.), Handbuch Sterben und Menschenwürde (S. 1151 – 1164). Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.