Gründer bei eqwipt Lehr-und Beratungsdienstleistungen (
Hochschullehre: Marketing & Branding, Psychologie in der Werbung, Kommunikation, Akademisches Schreiben, Business Development - in Executive- und dualen Studiengängen für BSc-, MSc- und MBA-Jahrgänge
Systemisches Coaching: Einzel- und Gruppencoachings: Kritische Entscheidungsfindung, psychische Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden, Führungsstile und Teammanagement, Lebensplanung und Karriere, innere Antreiber, Motivatoren, Konfliktmanagement, konstruktive Kommunikation, Teamarbeit, Innovationsmanagement und Produktdesign.
Schellenberg, M., Harker, A. Doherty, A.M. (2023): A human interaction approach to networking capabilities and opportunity exploitation – insights from internationalising HTSMEs, Interntional Business Review (under review)
Schellenberg, M., Harkeri, A. Doherty, A.M. (2023): International Entrepreneurship, International opportunity and Market Entry Mode, an Integrative Literature Review, Journal of Strategic Marketing (unter review)
Schellenberg, M., Harker, M., Jafari, A. (2017): International Market Entry Mode – A Systematic Literature Review, Journal of Strategic Marketing, 1-27.
AIR FRANCE-KLM: Flying high with CRM. Textbook Case Study. In: Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M., Brennan, R. (2015): Introduction to Marketing (3rd ed.), 115 - 118.
International Research Conference in Marketing, University of Strathclyde (Mayi2016)
Academy of Marketing (AMA) annual conference, Limerick, Ireland, (July 2015)
McGill Conference and Colloquium in International Entrepreneurship, Montréal, Canada (August 2013