SRH University

Prof. Dr. Dr. Alexander J. Wulf

Professor für Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Über mich

I am a professor of law and economics at the Berlin School of Management. My research interests are the application of empirical methodology to the study of law, the interdependence of law and economics and the relevance of law and legal institutions for the behaviour of businesses. My research focuses particularly on the empirical analysis of European Union commercial law.

– Prof. Dr. Dr. Alexander J. Wulf


Visiting professor at Kyoto University


Doctor of Economics (Dr. rer. pol.) at the University of Siegen

Topic: Bedeutung des Wirtschaftsrechts für die volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung (The Importance of Business Law for Economic Development)


Visiting scholar at the University of California, Berkeley, Center for the Study of Law & Society

2016 - 2023

Lecturer at the Bucerius Law School


Visiting professor at the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Calcutta

2015 - 2017

Research associate at the University of Hamburg, Institute of Law and Economics

2015 - Aktuell

Professor of Law and Economics (since 2023, before: Professor of Business Law), SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences


Doctor of Law (Dr. iur.) at the Bucerius Law School

Topic: lnstitutional Competition between Optional Codes in European Contract Law

2011 - 2012

Research associate at the University of Oxford, Institute of European and Comparative Law


Visiting scholar at Kyoto University, Global Center of Excellence

2007 - 2008

London School of Economics, Master of Science in Social Research Methods

2006 - 2007

Bucerius Law School / WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, Master of Law and Business

2003 - 2006

B.A. Business Administration, Berlin School of Management (fka SRH Hochschule Berlin)


More information

Forschungsstipendien und Forschungspreise

2018 - 2019 The Climate Change Sceptics. Patterns of Argumentation and Psychosocial Background, funded by German Federal Environrnental Foundation (DBU), together with Prof. Dr. Dieter Flader

2017 - 2020 "The ABC of Online Disclosure Duties. Towards Better lnformed Consumers", funded by DFG Germany and NWO Netherlands, together with Prof. Dr. Joasia Luzak

2016 "The Law and Economics of International Trade Law", funded by the Global Initiative for Academic Networks, together with Prof. Vaneeta Patnaik

2016 SRH Hochschule Berlin, research excellence award

2015 Association of Naumann Foundation Scholarship Holders and Alumni, Award for doctoral thesis

2015 SRH Hochschule Berlin, teaching excellence award

2011 The Use of Optional Instrument in European Contract Law, funded by the Nuffield Foundation, together with Prof. Dr. Stefan Vogenauer



Wulf, A. J. Bedeutung des Wirtschaftsrechts für die volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung. Perspektiven der ökonomischen Analyse, Wiesbaden: Springer, 2018, 1-239.

Wulf, A. J. Institutional Competition between Optional Codes in European Contract Law. A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis. Wiesbaden: Springer, 2014, 1-328.

Wulf, A. J. Brauchen Innovationen Schutzrechte? Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel der Modeindustrie. Berlin: Logos, 2006, 1-64.

Journal Articles

Häseler, S. & Wulf, A. J., "Promoting Real-Time Electricity Tariffs for more Demand Response from German Households. Policy Options", Energy, Sustainability and Society, 14, 2024 (59), 1-12.

Häseler, S. & Wulf, A. J., "Flexibilisierung des Stromverbrauchs von Haushalten. Regulierungsoptionen", InfrastrukturRecht, 21, 2024 (5), 113-136.

Luzak, J., Wulf, A. J., Seizov, O., Loos, M. and Junuzović, M. "The ABC of Online Consumer Disclosure Duties. Improving Transparency and Legal Certainty in Europe", Journal of Consumer Policy, 46, 2023, 307-333.

Wulf, A. J. & Seizov, O., "How to Improve Consumers’ Understanding of Online Legal Information. Insights from a Behavioral Experiment", European Journal of Law and Economics, 56, 2023, 559-584.

Wulf, A. J. & Seizov, O., "'Please understand we cannot provide further information'. Evaluating Content and Transparency of GDPR-Mandated AI Disclosures", AI & Society, 2022. 

Schäfer, H.-B. & Wulf, A. J. "Premature Repayment of Fixed Interest Mortgage Loans without Compensation. A Case of Misguided Consumer Protection in the EU", European Journal of Law and Economics, 2022, forthcoming. 

Wulf, A. J. & Seizov, O., "Die Transparenz rechtlicher Verbraucherinformationen im Internet. Eine empirische Studie über die wichtigsten Stakeholder", Verbraucher und Recht, 2021 (10), 363-371.

Dwivedi, V. & Norta, A. & Wulf, A. J. & B. Leiding & S. Saxena and C. Udokwu "A Formal Specification Smart-Contract Language For Legally Binding Decentralized Autonomous Organizations", IEEE Access, 9, 2021, 76069-76082.

Seizov, O., & Wulf, A. J., "Communicating Legal Information to Online Customers Transparently. Some Benefits and Principles of Better Customer Relationship Management", Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 33, 2021 (2), 159-177.

Seizov, O. & Wulf, A. J., "Online Transparency in Indian Contract Law", Journal of Indian Law and Society, 12 (1), 2021, 64-84.

Wulf, A. J. & Seizov, O., " The Principle of Transparency in Practice. How Different Groups of Stakeholders View EU Online Information Obligations ", European Review of Private Law, 20, 2020 (5), 1065-1092.

Wulf, A. J. & Seizov, O., "Artificial Intelligence and Transparency. A Blueprint for Improving the Regulation of AI Applications in the EU", European Business Law Review, 31, 2020 (4), 611-640.

Wulf, A. J. "Participatory Legal Forms for Public Enterprises. How a Group of Affiliated Public Service Organisations can help to Overcome Legal and Institutional Obstacles", Journal of Participation and Employee Ownership, 3, 2020 (1), 51-65.

Voigt, S. & Wulf, A. J. "What Makes Prosecutors Independent? Analyzing the Determinants of the Independence of Prosecutors", Journal of Institutional Economics, 15, 2019 (1), 99-120.

Seizov, O., Wulf, A. J. & Luzak, J., "The Transparent Trap. Analyzing Transparency in Information Obligations from a Multidisciplinary Empirical Perspective", Journal of Consumer Policy, 42, 2019 (1), 149-173.

Wulf, A. J. "Insights from the German Codification Debate between Thibaut and Savigny for a Uniform Indian Civil Code", Journal of the Indian Law Institute, 60, 2018 (2), 121-136.

Babaoglu, B. & Wulf, A. J. "Decriminalizing the Issuance of Bad Checks in Turkey. An Analysis of the Effects of Changes in Penalties", European Journal of Law and Economics, 42, 2016 (1), 5-23.

Wulf, A. J. "The Contribution of Empirical Research to Law", Journal Jurisprudence, 29, 2016, 29-49.

Wulf, A. J. "Law as Part of Managerial Skills. Reform Proposals for Teaching Law to Business Administration and Economics Students", Asian Journal of Legal Education, 3, 2016 (2), 1-15. German version published in: Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Rechtswissenschaft, 2, 2015 (1), 20-40.

Schäfer, H.-B. & Wulf, A. J. "Jurists, Clerics and Merchants. The Rise of Learned Law in Medieval Europe and its Impact on Economic Growth", Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 11, 2014 (2), 266-300.

Wulf, A. J. "Institutional Competition of Optional Codes in European Contract Law", European Journal of Law and Economics, 38, 2014 (1), 139-162.

Wulf, A. J. "Well-Being and Risk-Taking Behaviour. A Case Study of Employee Well-Being Policies in Corporate Japan", Paragrana, 22, 2013 (1), 293-306.

Book Chapters

Seizov, O. & Wulf, A. J., "The Disclosure Backlash. On Information Transparency’s Role in Effective Contractual Management", in: Eichhorn, B. and Schuhmann, R. (eds.). Contractual Management. Managing Through Contracts. Berlin et al.: Springer, 2019, 57-85.

Wulf, A. J. "Who would Use the Common European Sales Law? An Empirical Analysis of Consumer Cross-Border Contracts in the European Internal Market", Polish Yearbook of Law & Economics, 6, 2016, 31-50.

Wulf, A. J. "Führungsstile in Familienunternehmen. Wie rechtliche, ethische und kulturelle Normen die Risikoeinstellung von Managern prägen", in: Schultze-Seehof, D. and Winterberg, J. (eds.). Herausforderung Management. Heidelberg: Heidelberger Hochschulverlag, 2016, 32-48.

Wulf, A. J. "Privatizing Law-Making. An Economic Analysis of Non-Governmental Law-Making in the Field of Contract Law", in: Knoke, M. and Merk, J. et al. (eds.). Das Publicness-Puzzle. Öffentliche Aufgabenerfüllung zwischen Staat und Markt. Berlin: BWV, 2014, 401-410.

Wulf, A. J. "Empirical Analysis", in: Backhaus, J. (ed.). Encyclopedia of Law and Economics. Berlin: Springer, 2014, 1-8.

Wulf, A. J. "A Comparative Approach to the Protection of Fashion Innovations" in: Sen, S. (ed.). The Fashion Industry. Emerging Trends and Issues. Hyderabad: ICFAI University Press, 2008, 74-100.

Weitere Tätigkeiten

  • 2017 Ehrenamtliche Ernennung an einem deutschen Landgericht
  • Reviewertätigkeiten: Academy of Legal Studies in Business, Cengage, Erasmus Law Review, Conference of the European Association of Law & Economics, European Journal of Law & Economics, International Review of Law and Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Journal of European Consumer and Market Law, Journal of Institutional Economics, Lex localis (Journal of Local Self-Government), Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), Rechtsgeschichte – Legal History
  • Vertrauensdozent bei der Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung