SRH University

Prof. Dr. Ian Towers

Head of Executive MBA General Management - Vollzeit, Professor für Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre,

Über mich

2012 - Aktuell

SRH Hochschule Berlin, Professor für Allgemeine BWL

2007 - 2012

Turris Consulting, Berlin. Firmeninhaber. Beratung und Coaching


Ph.D. Carleton University, Kanada, „Organizational Change Management: Processes, Contexts and Perspectives” im Fachbereich Business

2005 - 2006

Senior Manger, E-Solutions, IATA

2002 - 2005

Associate Director, Information Services, Bombardier Transportation

2000 - 2002

Senior Portfolio Manager, Nortel Networks


MBA, McGill Univerity Montreal

1990 - 2000

Business Unit Director, Eicon Technology


BA German, Birmingham University


Towers, I., Zoghi, F. (2019). On the outside and trying to get in: women early career academics with a migration background and career ‘success’. CMS Conference, Manchester

Towers, I. (2019). Organising the Unorganisable. International Labour Process Conference, Vienna.

Towers, I. (2018) Learning how to manage by watching TV. International Journal of Organizational Analysis. 25(2), pp. 242 – 254. Highly Commended Paper, Emerald Literati Awards, 2019.

Eichhorn, P., Towers, I. (2018) Principles of Management: Efficiency and Effectiveness in the Private and Public Sector. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler

Ternès, A., Towers, I. (Hg.) (2017) Interkulturelle Kommunikation: Länderporträts – Kulturunterschiede - Unternehmensbeispiele. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Towers, I. (2017) England. In: Ternès, A. und Towers, I. (Hg.). Interkulturelle Kommunikation: Länderporträts – Kulturunterschiede - Unternehmensbeispiele. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Towers, I. (2017) Die Dimensionen von Hofstede. In: Ternès, A. und Towers, I. (Hg.). Interkulturelle Kommunikation: Länderporträts – Kulturunterschiede - Unternehmensbeispiele. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Ewinger, D., Ternès, A., Koerbel, J., Towers, I. (2016): Arbeitswelt im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung. Trends: Multigrafie und Multi-Option in der Generation Y. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler

Ternès, A., Towers, I., Kuprella, E. (2016). Capacity-Management im Zeitalter der Wissensgesellschaft. Trends: Wissensmanagement und Ressource Wissen. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler

Ternès, A., Towers, I., Jerusel, M. (2015). Konsumentenverhalten im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung. Trends: E-Commerce M-Commerce und Connected Retail. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Ternès, A., Towers, I., Jerusel, M. (2015). Konsumentenverhalten im Zeitalter der Mass Customization. Trends: Individualisierung und Nachhaltigkeit. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Ternès, A., Towers, I., Schmolke, H. (2015). Forex-Devisenhandel: Auswirkungen der US-amerikanischen Arbeitsmarktberichte und FOMC-Sitzungen. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler

Towers I, Ternès A (2015) Organisational Change Agents and (Un) wanted and (Un)intended Outcomes. Arabian J Bus Manag Review 5:165. doi:10.4172/2223-5833.1000165

Ternès, A., Towers, I., Schaub, St. (2015) Bindung junger Fachärzte durch Demografie orientiertes Personalmanagement. In: Rund auf eckig: Die junge Ärztegeneration im Krankenhaus. Hgg. Klaus Hahnenkamp und Joachim Hasebrook. medhochzwei: Heidelberg.

Towers, I., Ternès, A. (2015) Managing Global Organizations: A Cultural Perspective. Critical Perspectives on International Business, 11 (1), pp.110 – 112.

Towers, I., Ternès, A., Ewinger, D. (2015) Turkish Migrant Self-Organizations in Germany. In: Nuroğlu, E., Meydanoğlu, B., Sibel, E. and Bayraklı, E. (eds.) Turkish German Affairs from an Interdisciplinary Perspective. Peter Lang: Frankfurt am Main

Ternès, A., Towers, I. (Hg) (2014) Internationale Trends in der Markenkommunikation: Was Globalisierung, neue Medien und Nachhaltigkeit erfordern. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Ternès, A., Towers, I., Hartmann, M. (Hg.) Reihe Internationale Studien für ein zukunftsfähiges Management). AVM: München.

  • Schwarz, E. (2014) Sponsoring in der Automobilbranche.
  • Klussmann, L. M. (2014) Trendreport Nachhaltigkeit Deutschland.
  • Haidinger, J. A. (2015). Employer Branding.
  • Keck, J. (2015). CSR in the Textile Industry. Implementation in Multinational Companies in Asian and European Markets.  
  • Henning, Th. (2015). Corporate Social Responsibility in the German Food Industry.


Towers, I. (2014) Sensory Marketing. In: Ternès, A. und Towers, I. (Hg.). Internationale Trends in der Markenkommunikation: Was Globalisierung, neue Medien und Nachhaltigkeit erfordern. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler, S. 107-118.

Ternès, A., Towers, I., Shauvencka, N. (2014) Gamification. In: Ternès, A. und Towers, I. (Hg.). Internationale Trends in der Markenkommunikation: Was Globalisierung, neue Medien und Nachhaltigkeit erfordern. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler, S. 33-50.

Ternès, A., Towers, I., Scheiwe, T. (2014) Sustainable Customer Service as Success Factor in the Airline Sector. Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review 4, 4.

Ternès, A. and Towers, I. (2014) Organisations, Individuals as Employees, Individuals as Consumers and the Relationships Between Them. Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review 4, 4.

Ternès, A., Towers, I., Shauchenka, N. (2014) Testing the Impact of Gamification on the Interest in Urban Planning. Journal of the Worldwide Forum on Education and Culture 5, No.1, pp. 63 – 84.

Daniskenska, A, Ternès, A und Towers, I. (2014) International cooperation: impact of cultural diversity on brand strength. Acta Oeconomica Cassoviensia, 6, pp. 4-24.

Ternès, A., Towers, I., Gursch, F., and Gursch, G. (2014) Corporate Communication as a Key to Corporate Success – Key Findings to be Adapted by SMEs. SOP Transactions on Marketing Research, 1, pp. 1-8

Towers, I. (2013) Review of Normal Organizational Wrongdoing: A Critical Analysis of Theories of Misconduct in and by Organizations. Work, Employment & Society, 27(6), pp. 1043-1045

Towers, I. und Ternès, A. (2013) Managing Change to Avoid Unwanted Outcomes, Marketing Review St. Gallen, 5, pp. 72-82.

Towers, I. (2010) Review of Working Life: Renewing Labour Process Analysis. Management Learning 41(5).

Duxbury, L., Towers, I., Higgins, C., und Thomas, A. (2007. From 9 to 5 To 24 and 7: How Technology has Redefined the Workday. In: Law, W. (Ed.) Information Resources Management: Global Challenges. Hershey PA: Idea Group.

Towers, I., Duxbury, L., Higgins, C., Thomas, A. (2006) Time Thieves and Space Invaders. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 19(5).

Towers, I. (2005) Review of Outsourcing for Radical Organizational Change. Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship, 10(2).


  • Human Resource Management and Ethical Leadership
  • Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics
  • International Management
  • Developing Management Skills
  • International Marketing Management

Aktuelle Forschungsgebiete

  • Neue Arbeitsverhältnisse und die Einzelperson
  • Prekarität - organisieren und selbst organisieren
  • Kulturelle Produkte, Unternehmen und Arbeitnehmer*innen


  • Towers, I., Zoghi, F. (2019). On the outside and trying to get in: women early career academics with a migration background and career ‘success’. CMS Conference, Manchester.
  • Towers, I. (2019). Organising the Unorganisable. International Labour Process Conference, Vienna.
  • Towers, I. (2017) Television programmes and management: rehearsals for the opening night? 5. Workshop des Forums Kritische Organisationsforschung: „Ästhetik und Organisation – Inszenierung und Ästhetisierung von Organisation, Arbeit und Management“. Essen.
  • Towers, I. (2017) The Academic Precariat in Germany. CMS Conference, Liverpool.
  • Towers, I. (2017) Algorithms and The Labour Process. International Labour Process Conference, Sheffield.
  • Towers, I (2016) Entrepreneurship around the world. International Organizations Network Conference, San Francisco.
  • Towers, I. (2015) Precarity in German universities: the akademischer Mittelbau and the changing workplace. Lera, Philadelphia
  • Towers, I (2015) The role of television in diffusing and legitimising management practices. International Organizations Network Conference, Berlin.
  • Ternès, A., Towers, I., Trubac, R., and Ozugurlu, S. (2014) The Role of Company Culture in Branding. XIII Annual Worldwide Forum on Education and Culture, Rome.
  • Towers, I and Ternès, A. (2014) Organisational change agents and (un)wanted and (un)intended outcomes. European Group of Organizational Studies, Rotterdam
  • Towers, I and Ternès, A. (2013) Become a responsible manager. British Academy of Management, Liverpool.
  • Towers, I. (2013) Learning how to be a modern manager while sitting on the sofa and watching TV. European Group of Organizational Studies, Montreal.
  • Towers, I. (2013) Organizational Change: Processes and Levels. 15th International Academy of Management and Business Conference, Lisbon.
  • Towers, I. (2013) It didn´t work out like we thought it would: understanding unwanted outcomes of a planned organizational change. XXXIII Sunbelt Social Networks Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis, Hamburg.
  • Towers, I. (2006) Slicing and Dicing the Organization: Views of Organizational Change. 24th  International Labour Process Conference, London.
  • Towers, I. and Duxbury. L. (2005) 9 to 5 or 24/7? Technology and the Shifting Boundary between Work and Home. 55th Annual Meeting, Society for the Study of Social Problems, Philadelphia.
  • Towers, I. and Duxbury. L. (2005) Time Thieves and Space Invaders. 4th Critical Management Studies Conference, Cambridge.
  • Towers, I., Duxbury, L. und Thomas, A. (2005) Shifting Boundaries: Technology, Time, Place and Work. 23rd International Labour Process Conference, Glasgow.